
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Project 365 - Week 52

Well, according to Sara it is Week 52.  It seems a bit odd for it to be week 52 when there is another week left to go.  So Sara looked back and the issue is the week 1 only had 1 day in it!!  Ok Sara so what are we going to do about this?  I will be honest I am not ready to give up just yet.  I think we should all post one more time and call the week 52B.  Head over to Sara's place and see what everyone has been snapping this week.  Merry Christmas to you all and a Happy New Year.  Feliz Navidad!  So, here's my week in a nutshell:
Sunday, December 18th

No, we do not have children this small....or grandkids.  These are donations that were made for 8 children and my house was the collection point.  The boys bike is for a neighbor child, the biggest girls bike is for the sister at that same house.  The little girls bike is for a Rock Mills child who's house burned to the ground.  I know these kids will love this.  Two of these we are actually delivering after the kids go to bed on Christmas Eve.  I can't wait.

Monday, December 19th

Bill's Charlie Brown outdoor decorations.  I thought they were to cute to pass up.

Tuesday, December 20th
I didn't have my camera at Mrs. Betty Jeans and Mr. Larry's today when we stopped by to see their tree but this ornament caught my eye so I shot it with Frank's cell phone camera.  It is not as good as I wished it were, but it will do.  The bowling pin below was our Christmas gift from the Kings.  They brought it all the way back from Michigan.  I love it and it has a place of honor in the tv room.

Wednesday, December 21st

We were supposed to meet Georgia at school at 8 a.m. to clear out Mary's closet.  Georgia must have forgotten because she did not show up, so Frank and I went through the closet and got all of Mary's stuff we could find.  When we left you could actually go from the front to the back.  

Thursday, December 22nd 

Thursday night we had dinner and Christmas with the Blairs.  Deborah's house was decorated so cute and we had such a great time.  We had Brunswick soup and salad and then opened gifts.  It was a fun time.  We love spending time with the Blair family.  

Friday, December 23rd
Frank gave me my Christmas present early.  It is a backpack camera bag with a tripod.  I love it and have already loaded it up and it makes traveling a whole lot easier.

Saturday, December 24th - Christmas Eve

Sunrise this morning.  The second shot was out my french door window.  Greg tinted my windows a few weeks ago and I thought I would try a shot through the tint.  We went to Amanda's this morning for our family brunch and Christmas present opening.  It was great fun.  

Will with the garage.  He was really into his work.

Kimbell and Drew man sharing a juice box.

I made photo albums for all of us who went to Rosemary Beach at Thanksgiving.  They were a hit and Dustin is checking out theirs.  I made 7 albums and they had 75 photos in each one.  This one gift was the one gift that gave me a happy feeling.  

Frank is figuring out how to put one of the kids presents together.

Drew and Tommy in deep discussion over a toy stethoscope.  Tommy won.

Victor opening one of the two huge presents.  One was full of packing peanuts and thankfully this one was not.

Wheeler with his Fischer Price backpacking tent set.  It was really cool.  We had for Wheeler and one for Drew...and it took six adults to put the thing together.  Oh I miss those days when we had little ones.  Merry Christmas to you all!  I hope you have a blessed day!


  1. cool camera bag!!
    and i love the bowling pin!

  2. I would love a camera bag like that!!!!

    Merry Christmas!!!

  3. Visiting with you via Sara's blog. What fun photos! I hope to join in the future.

    Great camera bag, tripod you received. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  4. Lots of fun pictures. I agree you should do this week too! Love the bowling pin and I have to get one of those backpack camera cases, it sounds perfect!

  5. I can relate to the happy feeling of photo gifts. I made a couple books and a calendar of Mike's ceramic art. Wonderful creative outlet. I try to get in on the discounts so those days i am very focused or up late!

    You had a wonderfully busy and happy week! May the one after be restful, peaceful, full of deep joy!

  6. Looks like a fun week. LOVE the camera bag and the sunset picture.


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