
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Every Day I Fall In Love With You Again

Today is my ninth wedding anniversary and I was feeling pretty sappy this I thought I would write a little sappy poem for my cherished husband.  We are the kind of couple that really do not need special days to tell each other we love each other... or give each other gifts.  But today I just wanted to give Frank a little shout out.  He has truly blessed my life with his presence and love.  I am grateful that God thought we needed each other.  We did!

From the first time I met you so many years ago.
I knew that I loved you, my heart told me so.
I fell hard for you then with my heart and my soul.
And it was with you that I knew I would grow old.

Each anniversary year finds me happier than the last;
You are my heart, my light, my present, future, and past.
You define for me what love is about,
Loving you makes me want to lift my voice and shout.

Time passes, yet, our love grows deeper.
I knew when I would be a keeper.
Being your wife is oh such a pleasure
I love you darling, you are my favorite treasure.

God has blessed us so much in these past short nine years
There have been many smiles salted briefly with tears.
You fill me with wonder, you are my best friend
If I could I would marry you all over again!

May God's blessings continue and we walk hand in hand
You are one in a million, you are my kind of man.
Whatever life deals us we will be together....
And I will love you my darling....from now til forever!
Happy Anniversary, Frank!  I love you!


  1. Aww Happy Anniversary! I know I feel the same way about my guy :)

  2. What a sweet post. I am so happy that you found each other.


  3. Frank is gonna love this poem. What a sweet couple you two make. I wish everyone could feel that kind of love. Congratulations!

  4. Happy (belated) Anniversary! Y'all are so sweet! :)


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