
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hodge Podge Week 63

It is Wednesday, the day before my 9th wedding anniversary and time for another exciting Hodge Podge.  This is week 63 and I am amazed that Joyce continues to come up with such thought provoking answers.  The nice thing about her Hodge Podge is that you don't have to have been a part of it from the beginning.  This is something you can join at any time and I hope you will come and join us over at Joyce's Blog and link up with everyone there.  Here are her questions for the week:

1.       The NFL playoffs were held this past weekend and this year's Superbowl lineup will feature The New York Giants versus The New England Patriots. How do you define 'patriot'?   To me a patriot is a person who supports their country with all they have and is prepared to defend it against enemies.

2. What's something in your life right now that feels like a 'giant'?  My weight.  Every time I seem to get a handle on it someone dies and here comes all the fried chicken, cakes, pies, and offerings of love….southern style.
3. What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think back to being 18? Graduation from high school!  Whoooo Hooooo!  I could not wait to get out of that place.  Here I am at nearly 58….with at least another 3 years to go.  What was I thinking?????  I made it out once….and chose to go back???

4. Coconut-mashed potatoes-vanilla ice cream-mayonnaise...which white food would be the hardest to give up?   Mashed potatoes.  I don’t eat coconut or mayonnaise….so that would not be an issue.  I am Irish born and bread…and love me some potatoes.  Vanilla Ice cream is wonderful too…but I don’t crave it.

5. Describe an incident or a day you remember as the coldest you've ever experienced?  Last year it froze here in Alabama and the school I work at did not close….I live an hour away….north.  The schools in the town I live in were all closed….as were the roads.  I left my house and drove 4 miles….terrified.  When I got to Roanoke I decided I needed to call and check on the bridge at the Tallapoosa River and see if it were open.  Cars were slipping and sliding everywhere…I am from Florida….I was terrified.  I called the Randolph County Sheriff’s Dept. and was told in no uncertain terms…that ALL the roads and the bridge were closed or barricaded.  I turned around and crawled the four miles back to my house.
6. You're hosting a brunch...what's your favorite dish to prepare and serve?  This is hard.  I cater on the side….hummmm…mini quiche is a good one….or bacon wrapped sausages….or breakfast rollups….or chicken enchilada rollups….it would depend on what the occasion was…and time of day brunch.

7. How do you combat negative thinking?   I sing, I listen to music, I take pictures, I exercise.
8. Insert your own random thought here.  Tomorrow, January 26th is my 9th wedding anniversary.  The traditional gift for a 9th wedding anniversary is pottery or willow.  The modern gift is leather.  What would be a good gift for me to give Frank tomorrow?????


  1. I do not excel at gift giving so I am no help but Happy Anniversary!!

  2. You cater? Cool!!! I'm jealous!

    Weight... its always a giant for women, isnt it?

  3. Probably leather? I love quiche too!

  4. Hi Karen -

    Happy Anniversary! Anniversaries are a wonderful event to celebrate in a world of "throw away" marriages.

    Oh I'm ALWAYS struggling with the weight topic too. Church folks love to cook and I love to eat... what a great match to my dismay!!

    We just have to keep trying to be healthy between those Buffets and parades of food gifts.

    Big hugs, Sherry

    PS bet you have some great recipes

  5. I want to go to brunch at your house! And Happy Anniversary!

  6. Happy Anniversary!!! I'm sure you will make it special.

  7. Enjoyed reading your answers.
    Maybe a nice leather wallet.
    Happy Anniversary!

  8. Happy Anniversary! Unfortunately, church and food go together don't they? It does make it hard on those who are trying to lose weight or have a healthier lifestyle. I think what gets me is the ones who condemn those who are trying.

  9. wishing ya'll a happy day tomorrow!!

    weight is certainly one of my giants too

    so glad you didn't get stranded in that snow/ice my opinion, it's always better to stay home (especially now that i'm retired)

  10. Happy Anniversary! A wallet might be nice or a belt. Or you could buy a beautiful piece of pottery : ) Brunch at your house sounds good!


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