
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Facebook Freakiness!

Facebook continues to amaze me.  My graduating class has a facebook page and I am a member and have loved catching up with all my old high school acquaintances....but the weirdest thing happened yesterday.  I was responding to one friend when I noticed another friend from school had responded to her as well.  I clicked on R's name and went to her page.....where I asked to be friends with her, noticed she lived in Birmingham, AL, and sent her a quick note telling her I lived in Rock Mills, AL.  The response I got floored me this morning.  Talk about six degrees of separation...."Hi Karen . . . well, it really is a small world. I was born in Roanoke and have spent much time in Rock Mills. My dad's family were members of Rock Mills Methodist (my granddaddy probably has a pew with his name on it - lol). When I was a little girl, we lived almost next door to the church in a tiny little frame house that sits on the main road between the church and the little bridge before you get to the mill village. My first remembrances of church were the Baptist Church and Methodist Church there. My dad worked in the Wehadkee Yarn Mill before we moved to Florida, etc., etc. Still have a few relatives there. Used to spend a lot of summers between Rock Mills and Bacon Level.  Anyway, thanks for friending me. We'll have to catch up sometime. Periodically I bring my mom and dad down there to put flowers on the graves at the Rock Mills Cemetery. If you're ever in Birmingham, give me a call and we'll get together. Hope you are doing well.  R"  After picking myself up off the floor....I mean come one knows where Rock Mills is.  I responded back to her with "It is even smaller than you know. Two of my dearest friends that I have made since we moved to Rock Mills in 2010 are related to you. It all came together this morning when I read your response. Miss S(our age) goes to my church and I adore her.....M(8 years younger than us) is her sister. H (brother) is a fire fighter with my husband. I vote in Bacon I know where that is too. We do come to B'ham a good bit....since there is nothing here in Roanoke. S told me a story about visiting family West Palm...but J and E did nothing for me.....I called your parents Mr. and Mrs. B. We laughed over Margies Laundry and the A & W. Do your parents still live in Florida? You are lucky to still have dad died in 2009 and my mom in 2011. Dad had cancer and my mom had dementia. It was a hard couple of years. If you are ever in Roanoke....we live in the methodist parsonage next to the T Farms sign on Hwy 22. Glad to hear from you. You made my day.....and M's and S's too. I could not wait to tell them about you."  On my way to work I called M and told her about the facebook message....she was as freaked about it as I was.  Talk about six degrees of separation!  Has anything like this happened to you on FB?

1 comment:

  1. Now that is some story! I can't believe it. Hopefully you will meet someday.


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