
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hodge Podge Week 64

It is Wednesday and it is time for another riotous adventure into the world of Joyce's Hodge Podge.  Won't you join in?  Hop over to Joyce's blog and get the questions and then link up so we can get to know more about you!  Here are the questions for week 64.
1.It's that most wonderful time of the season! Do you complete your own returns or farm that job out to the professionals?   I used to do my own taxes but when Frank became a pastor I hired someone because there are so many little nit picky details to be handled.
2. This next question comes from Kansas Bob...he posed it in his response to something I asked in an earlier Wednesday post and I asked him if I could add it to the Hodgepodge some day. Today's the day....Which do you think has changed you more-love or pain? I think both of them have formed me into who I am.  Pain made me strong and love made me gentle.

3. Tangerine Tango has been named color of the year for 2012. Your thoughts? Would I find this color anywhere in your house? How about in your closet? If not, will you be adding this color to your life in some way in 2012? If you're not sure what tangerine tango looks like click here. Tangerine tango would not even be an accent color in my house.  I don’t like the color orange with any name.
4. Are you a collector? What do you collect and does it get admired, used, and/or dusted regularly? I used to collect David Winter houses….but gave them away.  Then I collected lighthouses…..but grew tired when everyone gave them to me…..there was a specific reason when I collected them for myself.  I love Forest Green Charm plates and buppee glasses…but as far as collecting….I don’t collect them….I use them…..not just display them.  I think I will tell my friends I am collecting hundred dollar bills.  Think they will bite?

5. February is National Heart Month...besides a green salad what is one tasty heart healthy dish you like to prepare?  Steamed green beans – whole.  Yummy!  I can eat them like pop corn.
6. When was the last time you had car trouble? Back in October - November.  I took my car to Bobby(local mechanic) and he fixed it.

7. Have you been more demanding on yourself lately or less? Is that a good trend?  Bad trend stated - I have been less demanding since the death of my good friend and just did not have the energy to do anything after getting home from work.  I just sat and stared.  I read a lot(not a bad thing)…..I finally got some get up and go and went and joined a local gym.  This has been the good trend that came out of the bad trend.

8. Insert your own random thought here.  Did you know?  Groundhog Day is celebrated in the U.S. each year on February 2nd. On this day in mid-winter, the groundhog awakens from a long winter's nap, and goes outside of his den to see if he sees his shadow. This tradition is big on an otherwise cold and dreary mid-winter's day. According to legend, if the groundhog sees his shadow (a sunny morning), there will be six more weeks of winter. He then returns to his den and goes back to sleep. If however, he does not see his shadow (cloudy days), he plays around outside of his hole for a while. If he does not see his shadow, spring is just around the corner. The Groundhog's Day tradition travelled long ways. It comes from German roots. German immigrants brought the tradition with them from Germany. As they settled in hills of Pennsylvania, they began the tradition of using the Groundhog to predict the the arrival of Spring. The tradition is based upon Candlemas, the day that is the midpoint between Winter and Spring. A famous Candlemas poems goes:

If Candlemas be fair and bright,
Winter has another flight.
If Candlemas brings clouds and rain,
Winter will not come again.
Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania is the site of the annual Ground Hog event. Our little rodent friend (yes, Groundhogs are classified as rodents) is called Punxsutawney Phil. There are a few other "predictors" around the country, but they all pale in comparison to Phil's ability to predict the remainder of winter.
For the Record Phil sees his shadow about 9 out of 10 times .  Think about it….shadow or not…..Spring officially is six weeks away, March 20th.


  1. Loved your answer to #2! So wonderfully said. I think when you've suffered a big loss you need time to heal. I view it as a kindness that is deserved and neccessary. I'm glad the gym is helping.

  2. Can I steal your collection idea! That gave me a good laugh!

  3. Found your blog through the hodgepodge link. Great thoughts!

  4. Loved your in a nutshell thought on pain vs. love.
    #4 cracked me up!

  5. When Mark worked from home we had the taxes done because like you said there were many details involved. I like to eat fresh snap peas! I enjoyed the movie Groundhog Day but never care about the tradition of Phil. It's not like he can talk.


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