
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hodgepodge with Love - Vol 65

Yep, if you are looking at the Hodge Podge button this must be Wednesday and time for answers to some really insightful questions courtesy of Joyce at From This Side of the Pond  Want to see everyone's answers then head over to Joyce's blog and check them out. can even join in and be part of this fun neme.  We would love to have you...and the more the merrier.  So here are my answers to the questions of the week.
1. What is something you are loving right now?   I know you really can't love inanimate things....but I am loving taking pictures with my camera.  It is not the top of the line but it suits me just fine.  I am loving living in Rock Mills and my Rock Mills family.  I am loving my sweet husband Frank and my kids.  Life is good and I am truly blessed.

2. Paris, Venice, New York, and Rome are considered four of the most romantic cities in the world. Which one would you most like to visit?  I have been to all four.  I loved Rome....I loved Venice....and I loved New York....Paris, was not on my top ten list.  If I could go back to would have to be Venice or Rome.

3. Are you a romantic?  I am a hopeless romantic. I love it all...candles, music, stars...I mean come are talking to a girl that got her marriage proposal as fireworks lit up the night sky from a man on a knee at the back of the stage she was singing on.  It does not get much more romantic than that.

4. What's your favorite love story made for the Big Screen? Sleepless in Seattle or City of Angels.

5. Everyone loves Pooh bear and friends...which character are you most like and why? Click here for help in answering this question.   The 100 Acre Woods Test says I am Kanga and I can see that.  She tends to take on the mothering role and that is what I do.  I love to entertain....but want to be the one cooking and hosting. 

6. What's the best chocolate something you've ever eaten?  Hummmm....that is a tough one.  Triple Chocolate Hot Fudge Cake from Gedneys in Roanoke.  They plate it elegantly and it takes wonderful.  My international choice would be Kinder Eggs (or any other chocolate from Germany)....not bought here.  Toblerones here and Toblerones from Germany taste entirely different.  There is something special about European chocolates.

7. Share a favorite quote about love. Roy Croft - "I love you , not only for what you are, But for what I am when I am with you." 

8. Insert your own random thought here.  Today is National Kite Flying Day and one of my favorite Disney movies is Mary, if you want to get the feeling of flying a kite with me then click here and enjoy yourself today. It does not even matter what the weather is like where you are.  Have a wonderful Wednesday!


  1. What a lovely proposal. City of Angels is a wonderful movie. Well we are very windy today but I don't have a kite!

  2. At least you aren't Eeyore. Bahahahahahaha. When I did the quiz, my result was Rabbit and it said I'm bossy and high strung. I've never seen myself that way (well, maybe a tad bossy, depending on who it is). BE HONEST with me KK...AM I bossy and high strung? Oh, that sounds a tad bossy. Oops.

  3. German Chocolate is the bomb! It's a terrible loss for those who haven't tasted.

  4. I love Mary Poppins. And flying kites. A little too cold here today for that! We finally got a dusting of snow. So far not enough to worry about but it is a reminder that its winter, not spring.

  5. Enjoyed the story of your proposal! Seems like most are Kangas. Interesting!


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