
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Momma Memories

Many years ago, when Kat was sixish and her friend, Jill was fiveish Deborah(Jill's mom) and I went shopping at Dillards.  It is a high end place to know...the kind of place that actually fits your bras for you.  Anyway, Deborah and I were shopping for some lingerie for a lingerie shower when I turned around and discovered that the girls were not with us.  Without panicking I walked to the last place we had been(two rows over) and there they were....sitting on the floor in front of a tri-fold mirror....with the cones of a bra on their heads.  The funny thing was that they had wrapped the bra around both their heads and hooked it under their chins.  This was one of those Kodak moments....and it was way before cell phones with the vision is permanently etched in my head...and it was priceless.  Kat is now in her 30's, lives with her husband two hours away from me....yet, when I want to get a warm fuzzy feeling, or need a Kat hug, I think about moments like this and it makes me smile.  Do you have moments like these that are special memories of your children?  Care to share?


  1. Oh that's funny :) I have a friend with 4 year old twins - I can totally see them going that - ha!

  2. ha ha! we might have done that again when we were 16 and 15!

  3. HAHA! I think we did that again when we were 15 and 16...but the bra had to be bigger:)

  4. We did that when we were 15 and 16 too! hahaha!


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