
Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday's Morning Love Songs

This morning I headed off to school and for the entire trip I listened to Country Music.  Every single song they played was a positive upbeat love song and by the time I got to school I just wanted to turn around and head back home and spend the entire day with Frank.  I love my job....but for some reason those songs just nailed me.  When I got home this evening I made sure that the first thing he heard from me was how much I loved him....and that he got a big kiss.  I thought all day about every time I leave....and wondered does Frank really know how much I love him?   You know when you leave may be the last time you see them.  I really thought about how important it is to tell people you love just how much you love them.  I talked to Kat today too.  I have not seen her since December because we have both been so busy....but I never pass up a chance to tell her how much I love her.  I have decided to make February my tell people you love them month....wonder why?  Anyways....I rode for an hour...singing my heart out....I am glad no one could see me.  This one was my favorite.  Hope you enjoy it.  


  1. February is a wonderful month to remind those you love how special they are!

  2. We just never know so I make a point of always saying I Love You!


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