
Friday, March 30, 2012

Yard Sale for Moldova Mission Trip

(Last years team to Moldova)

My car is packed and we are headed to Montgomery for the 2nd annual Moldova Missions Yard Sale at Kat and Brian's house.  This will probably be the last one at their house on Northfield.  They have possibly sold that house and will be headed to the mission field on a full-time basis soon.  As a Sunday School teacher, Youth Leader, and the like....I spent many of my Sunday's and Wednesday nights talking about missions and how important they Kat and her friends.....I never dreamed my lessons would be lessons that God would use for my own child.  Kat found out about Moldova through Phillip Cameron's Ministries.  She was always a sucker for a Scottish brogue.  Let me tell you a bit about Moldova and what they hope to be doing.  The Republic of Moldova lies in the central part of Europe in the northeastern Balkans. Moldova occupies an area of 33,843.5 km2. The capital of Moldova is Chisinau. On the North, East and South Moldova is surrounded by Ukraine, and on the West it is separated from Romania by the Prut River. It sounds like a cool place to visit....but now...look at what they will be doing.  I am an orphan. No one cares about me. I am hungry. I am cold. I am despised. I am abandoned. I am abused. I am Stella’s Voice. A voice is all that is left of Stella, a handicapped orphan. Homeless, powerless, silenced. Used by evil men. Dead at nineteen. I am Stella’s Voice. I am the voice of orphans. I am their prayer for food, for warmth, for love. I am their cry for protection from sex traffickers. Will you be Stella’s Voice too? Together, we can make her voice louder. Together, our prayers are more powerful. Together, we can make a difference. Will you be Stella’s Voice?   So now you know what it is...let me tell you what they do.  Our vision(Phillip Cameron Ministries) is to be the voice that speaks for the orphans of Moldova, from the smallest child, to the aged out teen. With each voice that adds with ours, we are able to offer a loving home to more of these innocent children, raising them in a Christian environment as our own.  Never in the history of this Communist country has there been an advocate for the orphans. For twenty years, this ministry has been a part of the lives of thousands of orphans, providing Christmas gifts, warm coats, food, supplies, heating oil, clean water, and so much more. But more importantly, the ministry has shown the love of Christ in tangible ways, through regular visits, encouraging words, gentle hugs, and smiles.  As of spring 2011, we not only visit and minister to orphanages, we also own the nation’s first Christian orphanage: Providence House. This home is a model that we pray will be replicated across Moldova, Eastern Europe, and around the world.  Last summer....and this one too...Kat and Brian will be working with the orphanges in Moldova....they will be the arms that hold the orphans, they will be the hands that feed the orphans, they will be the hearts that love the orphans....and believe me....they can do that.....and finally, they will be voices that will protest the orphans.  Am I proud of the two of betcha.  So, I have a favor to ask of you all, when you go to bed....or even right now....will you  pray that tomorrow is a beautiful day and they have a successful yardsale....and pray that I continue to find peace in their venture.  God Bless You All and I am off to photograph prom goers in between rain showers.  :-(
Crafting with the children was great fun according to Kathryn and the gang.

Learning about Moldova with the teens from the orphange.

Brian was afraid that this little one might have been Kat's souvenir of Moldova.  He reminder her....before he decided to go last year that they were not souvenir's....I think he went to make sure....but after he fell in love with one of the little guys....he was hooked just like she was.  Got to love them for their huge hearts that are so full of God.  Ok...I really am gong now...I think I hear the weather alarm going off and it is getting close to time.


  1. I hope the weather is perfect for the sale and lots of people come and spend lots of money!! What a wonderful cause and I find it no surprise that your daughter is involved. She obviously takes after YOU!

  2. Hi.
    I found your blog through the A to Z challenge, I'm number 1303. :)
    I like your blog and have decided to follow you. Blessings from Geoff in Africa.

  3. Glad I found your blog. Looks interesting!


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