
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Project 365 - Week 13

What a wild week of photo opportunities I have had....but then spring has definitely sprung around here and the flowers have been to die for....and it is softball season, and proms, and yard sales....and I am sure you get my drift.  Sarah is our host so if you would like to see some really amazing picutres jump over to her blog and check them out.

Sunday, March 25th

Sunday I went to Mrs. Betty Jeans and got her cilvia....and while I was there caughter her crabapple tree, azaleas, snowball plant, and tulip.  I actually got a whole lot more but thought these would be enough to show you how gorgeous her yard is.

Monday, March 26th
I stopped on the way home today in Daviston, Alabama and got my first dogwood tree. 

Tuesday, March 27th

The BRHS softball team played Handley today and I got to go to a game AND be closer to home since Handley is about 4 miles from my house.  The varsity lost to Handley 6-0, but I enjoyed getting to see students and former students play.  The J-V won 9-6.  Win our lose I love my Wildcats!

Wednesday, March 28th

Wednesday was a sad day.  I bought a wreath from a friend of mine and could not wait to get home and get it up.  I did not get home until after dark and walked out to change out the new wreath (top picture) for the bottom wreath(I know it is a little late to be taking down my winter wreath).  Unbeknowst to me there was a little family residing in the winter wreath.....and it was not until I put the old wreath on the hanger that I saw four smashed tiny eggs on my carport.  I thought the hawk had come through and dropped them.....but was me....Killer Karen.  The little nest was stuck to the old wreath and in picking it up.....I did the dastardly deed.  My heart was broken.

Thursday, March 29th

Thursday is bowling night and we have to kill a few hours in Alex City before we bowl.  Tonight we visited my godmother, Francis.  She was my mom's best friend.  I love this woman.  We caught her gardening and she fussed as I pulled up the camera to get her picture.  Her yard was full of blooming delights.  There were violets, azaleas, dogwoods, and the tree grancy(granny grandy) gray beard.  It looks like a tree of white beards.  Pretty cool. 

Friday, March 30th
Today was prom day for Handley.  I was asked to take some pictures for Marcie and Lyndi.  I was so honored.  Mrs. Betty Jeans was going to be our backdrop.  It was going to be a glorious day.... well, two out of three isn't bad.  I did get the shots, we did go to Mrs. Betty Jeans....but we took shots in light rain and between drizzles.  It was aweful!  They called the lead out inside sometime after lunch....but ended up having it outside in the rain. So here is a sampling of Jasmine and Lyndi - two of my favorite seniors.

Saturday, March 31st
Yardsale for Moldova Mission's Day
We left Roanoke Friday after photos, drove to Alex City to make a delivery, then on to Montgomery for the yard sale final prep, sleep and the yard sale.  I woke up at 5:30(I had shut the alarm off) and it was pouring rain, thundering and much for a 10% chance of rain.  We picked up breakfast for the gang, coffee and headed over there.....and sat in the carport.  I wanted to cry.  At 6:30 the rain let off and we put stuff out that rain would not 7...the sun actually began to shine....and by 7:30 we were in full swing.  They made over 600.00 for the trip.  All in all it was a productive day.  Here is some of the gang killing time between sales.

I had a great week and am looking forward to another one just like it.  I wish you the same.  See you next week.


  1. You sure manage to pack a lot into a week! :) Looks like you had a good one, filled with fun activities and beautiful days.

    Have another wonderful week!

  2. Wow you did have a great week, I know you were heartbroken about the birds nest. I felt that way when the bunnies got killed last spring in my yard, but it happens. Nature has a way of bouncing back, God's design!

    Loved all the flowers this week! I think photographing flowers and nature is one of my favorite things to do!!!


  3. Love all the flowers, they are always a favorite of mine. So sorry about the bird nest :(
    Cute prom photos. I love your new background, very pretty. Hope your having a nice weekend.

  4. Love all the flowers - so many of them are so flouncy :)

    And the prom pics - pretty dresses (& girls).

    I would have been heartbroken about the nest too - but I'm sure they'll be able to try again soon.

  5. Beautiful flowers, lovely wreaths, great week!

  6. Love the flowers. Sorry about the bird's nest. Have a great Easter.


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