
Monday, April 2, 2012

B is for Beach

B is for Beach
Many of my favorite adventures revolve around the beach.  I think my first beach trip was when I was less than six months old.  When I was young my mom would set my playpen under the pier in Palm Beach or Lake Worth so I would stay out of the sun.  She would then slather me down with Coppertone and I enjoyed the sound of the waves, the smell of the beach, and the breeze.
Since the first time I went to the beach it was love at first sight.  I still love the beach and each trip means rest, reading, and seafood. If I am anywhere there is a beach I am going to check it out.  I have never been disappointed by one yet....well...that is not quite true.  I went to Hawaii with my BFF Mary on her 50th birthday and we went to see Wiamau Bay.  I was so excited...because my life dream was to surf it.....and The Pipeline.....when we got there....our tour guide told us where we were....and the sea was as flat as a mirror.....and I was major league let down.  Wiamau only has large waves in the winter.  How sad.....oh well.  In 2009 I took Mary with me to Wales, Ireland and England for St. Paddy's Day....we stopped at a beach in Wales....and even in the cold....we loved that beach.
This past Thanksgiving, since my family had had a rough couple of years with the death of many family members we decided to all gather at the beach....courtesy of my cousin Amanda who rented a house for 17 of us on 31-A in the Watercolor area.  We loved it.  There was a house with three bedrooms and two baths....and a gatehouse attached with two bedrooms, two baths, a game area....and it housed us all comfortably.  We had a blast. 

This was the gang, we ate a huge meal with Ramona's in-laws, shopped, played at the beach, enjoyed time with each other, sang, ate some more, played cards, read, was a wonderful time at the Beach.


  1. I love the pictures! Some of my fondest family memories happened at the beach.

    Konstanz Silverbow
    A to Z c-host

  2. Wonderful pictures and it certainly does look like you had fun.

  3. I took my son to Myrtle Beach for the first time last summer when he was four. It seems like every day since then, that kid has been asking to go back.

    Thanks for sharing your lovely pics. :)


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