
Sunday, April 1, 2012

A is for Adventure

Today we kick off the A-Z blogging challenge which this year will be co-hosted by about a dozen different bloggers. Last time I checked there were well over 1500 bloggers signed up to play along. The idea behind the challenge is to post every week, Monday thru Saturday, during the month of April. Each post uses a letter of the alphabet as a springboard for content beginning with A (today) and running thru the letter Z on April 30th.  It's not too late to participate and if you'd like details you'll need to click here.

A is for Adventure

My whole life has been an adventure and my parents are the ones who made certain of it.  My father's mantra was we are not lost....we are simply exploring and explore we did.  I have been down every  road, not on the map, in Florida that exists.  I have seen amazing things during my childhood and growing up years there....and that carried over into my adult and parenthood years.  My kids have been to some amusement parks....but they have also seen Old Faithful erupt, the world's largest office chair, the world's largest ball of twine, the majesty of the Grand Canyon and Grand Tetons, Prince Edward Island's magnificent coastline, Jimmy Buffet's A-1-A, and driven across the turnpike from Stockbridge to Boston through the Berkshires....with James Taylor singing in the backgroud.  I have been to 48 of the 50 United States, Mexico, Central America, Canada, England, Ireland, Wales, Italy, Germany, Paris, and still have so many places left to explore.  This summer I am going to Niagra Falls with some special ladies on our annual girls trip....and we are going to stay on the Canadian side...I am so excited.  I have a bucket list full of adventures yet to happen and another one full of adventures that have taken place and are etched in my memory.  I have done some crazy things.....I hang-glided off of a mountain top (and prayed on the way down that I would make it....and if I did promised God never to do it again.....a promise I have kept.), attended school in Washington at Whitman College as an NEH fellow because I wanted to know if I could be chosen for this.  A is for Adventure that is for join in the A-Z challenge April is not to late yet....but will be soon.  I am keeping today short (and yes, this is short for me) so you don't get bored and not come back and visit me later in the month.  


  1. I enjoyed reading a little about your adventures. Looking forward to reading more.

  2. It's my first time participating in the A-Z Challenge too - but I'm also doing it as part of a collaborative. Loved your adventure post!

  3. Thanks for sharing that, Karen. I think we as parents today have allowed ourselves to get too busy to give our kids such exciting adventures. I'm going to try to change that (for myself).


  4. Thank you for sharing! Very adventurous of you. :)

    Konstanz Silverbow
    A to Z Co-host

  5. Great post! Adventure is so much fun... I am in on the A-Z challenge too... :)

    I hope to someday see the world's largest ball of twine.


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