
Saturday, April 7, 2012

G is for Geyser

G is for Geyser

My next adventure involves geysers.  Several years ago we went to see Old Faithful and I have to admit it was awesome.  The kids and I enjoyed being outdoors and kidded around with each other.  This was expecially true when the geyser began to erupt.  Amanda, who was video journaling the trip got aggravated at us because we were joking about the lack luster attempts Old Faithful was making...and finally Amanda looked at us all and told us to be quiet.  She explained that this was a somber moment and we needed to treat it with the respect it was due.  My thoughts were, "Yeah right.  I mean it is a cone geyser erupting."  We saw the awesomeness of what the geyser was capable of and left the area in awe of what we had just witnessed. 
We continued our trip, headed home, spent our last night with sister, Melissa, in Nashville and spent the whole time sharing the trip with her.....til we got to the Old Faithful clip.  As we all sat and watched we began to realize that A's moans topped with the geysers eruption.....made that section of our video diary almost X rated.  Good thing the kids were all 17 or older.....and A has never lived this down.  It is still one our favorite traveling stories.  If you have never seen Old Faithful....put it on your bucket list, is a definite must see in this great nation of ours. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh that is pretty funny stuff!
    I just love Old Faithful and the park.


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