
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Project 365 - Week 14

This was week 14 and a busy one.  Easter week is always busy in the lives of a pastor.  There are services and extra curricular things all week long it seems.  Here in Rock Mills, AL it has been an abundant week of blooming plants, a full moon, and activities at school.  Our host Sara has been so lovely to keep this meme up and going for another year and the pictures I have seen have been amazing.  I would love to share them with you so jump over to Sara's blog, after you look at my pictures and see the amazing photos taken by some truly amazing bloggers!

Sunday, April 1st
I think it is funny that Palm Sunday is on April Fool's Day.  Those two just don't go together. While out and about today I saw a beautiful rose bud and had to grab it.  I love roses.  They are one of my favorite flowers. (Notice I said one)

Monday, April 2nd
I went to Mrs. Jean's house today and had so much fun snapping pictures of her yard.  There are so many ladies in our church which magnificent yards.  I am glad because it gives me places to visit.

Tuesday, April 3rd
Melissa's Birthday
Today is my cousin Missi's birthday.  She lives in Nashville and I wish I could spend the day with her....but instead I will share this picture with you. 
The sun is setting and the clouds are really rolling in.  We are expecting a round of thunderstorms tonight.

Wednesday, April 4th
My knockout rose is loaded.  The sun was almost down and this was the only shot I could get.

Thursday, April 5th

Maundy Thursday
On my way to work this car caught my attention because of the tag.  It made me laugh.  So I thought I would share it and see if it had the same affect on you.

Friday, April 6th
Good Friday
My Spanish classes have been writing legends over the past week.  Today they presented their stories and creativity was going to be a bonus.  One group wrote a fabulous story called the hanging tree.  Now, each story had to have a hero, a heroine, a powerful parent, and an enemy.  There had to be a transformation that occured and the legend had to have a moral or lesson.  I had some really good tales....and one really, really bad one.  The moon was full tonight and I loved it.

Saturday, April 7th
Today is going to be a long day.  We are going to Santuck - a huge monthly flea market in Santuck,AL....this means getting up at 4 and leaving at 5 to be there by 7.  We are taking some Rock Mills folks who have never been.  I am excited because I want some cheese from Miller's Amish Cheese House.  On our way to Santuck I captured the moon setting.
On to the Easter Egg hunt at our church.  We had a hunt with little ones....and a hunt for the bigger ones.  It was great fun.

Mrs. Beth did a wonderful job making our Fellowship Hall festive.
Happy Easter to you all!  May your day be blessed and I hope you all have a wonderfully Eggstravagent week.  See you next week.


  1. love all your flower pics!!! Roses are one of my favorite flowers too. That cake was cute. Happy Easter

  2. your flowers were as beautiful as mine this week!!! It seems to me they are more vibrant this year for some reason!

    Happy Easter!

  3. Wow. Mrs. Jean has some awesome blossoms going on in her yard!! You captured them beautifully.

  4. Your flowers are gorgeous! The license plate did make me laugh - froggy went a courtin'?

    Love your moon shots - they're great this week!

  5. I am just loving all the Spring blossoms all over blogland :)

    Looks like a full and fun week. Easter is indeed a busy time for pastors :)

    Have a wonderful week!

  6. Sounds like a good week. Love all the pictures. The flowers are so pretty and I love the moon shots!


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