
Monday, April 9, 2012

H is for Hawaii

H is for Hawaii
My adventure continues with the letter H.  H is for Hawaii.  I won a trip to Hawaii back in 2006.  It was the year my BFF Mary was going to turn 50 and I decided to take her with me.  I talked it over with her husband, Bill and he added a trip from Oahu to see Killaua.  What a blast.  We actually flew by Killaua and got to see the steam and lava from the eruption.  We had lunch at the Volcano House in Killaua National Park, went to the Scietific Center and saw some geysers (G was my letter for yesterday). 

Back on Oahu we went to the Polynesian Cultural Center for a luau, took a bus tour to the North Shore and the beach where I was terribly disappointed.  I expected the Pipeline...I got mirror glass flat beach.  It seems the Pipelines 40 foot waves are only in the winter.  I would have to return. 

We shopped at Hilo Hatties, visited the Dole Pineapple Plantation and I ate so much pineapple that my mouth had a zillion blisters in it the next morning. 

We saw Diamond Back up close and the lighthouse, we stopped where From Here to Eternities famous beach scene was shot, we saw where Lost was shot, saw Rainbow falls, and finished off with a somber trip to the USS Arizona Memorial. 
I stood on the walkway and cried.  If you want to see a beautiful place then visit Hawaii...add it to your bucket list.  It is worth your time.  See you tomorrow with my letter I adventure word.  I hope you have been enjoying my Adventure A-Z April Challenge as much as I have writing it.  Have a Great Monday!


  1. Hmmmm I may have to put Hawaii on my bucket list! Great post!
    until next time... nel

  2. Look how blue that water is! I've never been to Hawaii, but it is definitly some place I want to go to.

  3. We saw Kiluea in 2010. It was steaming, but nowhere near as much as when you saw it. We spent some time in Maui before heading down to Hawaii. Both islands had a lot of vog as a result of the steam.

    Nice to meet you.


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