
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Project 365 - Week 17

We are 17 weeks into Project 365 and this week was a slow one photographically for me.  I managed to get a shot a day until yesterday and I am so glad you are here to share my attempts with me.  I have been participating in the April A-Z Challenge this month and even though I am enjoying it I am glad tomorrow is my Z day.  If you like pictures of anything from a Tax Time Pig to gorgeous sunsets and flowers then hop over to Sarah's blog and see everyone else's offerings.  I promise you won't regret it.
Sunday, April 22nd
Today was Homecoming at our church.  Our guest pastor was Rev. Tommy Burks and Still Magnolias sang.  Following the service was a fabulous lunch.  I will tell you this....our Rock Mills ladies know how to lay a spread.....too bad I was sick.  The picture above is actually a tree stump that was caused by some straight line winds several years ago.....the ivy has covered the entire piece and I think it is an interesting front yard edifice.....but then what do I know....I love ivy.

Monday, April 23rd
Sunset Monday evening.  I love sunset shots when the trees and everything look black and the only light you see is the sun itself.
Tuesday, April 24th
We had to go to Lineville after school today to a viewing.  Beth and Jan's mom died.  I teach with these sisters and our path of illness and dementia with parents has run a parallel road.  Lineville is about 30 minutes from us so I went home, picked up Frank, and we headed to Bennefield Funeral Home.  Just outside of Wadley I saw this bottle tree.  I was hoping the light would still be good enough to get it on the return trip and I was lucky.  The blue bottles were so pretty....I don't know how well wine bottles on a dead tree would go over at the parsonage.  What do you think?

Wednesday, April 25th
On my way to work this morning I saw this bush but could not make the stop because I had a student coming in to make up a test.  On the way home I stopped and found this gorgeous plant.  I think it is some kind of rhododendron or hydrangea.  Anyone out there who knows I would appreciate a shout out with an answer.

Thursday, April 26th

When Frank picked me up on Thursday I saw his new car signs had come in.  He was tickled.  The excaliber was ahead of us on the road home.  It is not window was that dirty.

Friday, April 27th
On Tuesday I took a picture of this sad little cemetary and when I looked at it I found it was blurred because we were moving.  So, Friday on my way home I went there again and took another shot.  With all the high grass, the old headstones(some have toppled) there is still a cross and flag standing proudly.

Saturday, April 28th

We went to M.L. Awbry's(THE place in Roanoke to go and get amazing plants - as well as feed, seeds, and other cool stuff-I by special Christmas ornaments there too) today and bought all these gorgeous plants (and several more) for my front yard flower bed.  I cannot wait to get them in the ground.  I am also doing some bucket gardening and we bought flower pots and some cucumbers and squash to plant along the fence line.  I already have a tomato plant and a pepper plant growing in a pot.  The pink knockout rose is going in the backyard to replace a hydrangea that did not make it.  Have a great week and I hope to see you here next week!  I will post pictures once we get the garden set.


  1. Those flowers are gorgeous - your yard is going to be lovely.

    I do believe that IS a rhododendron.

    How about Frank makes you a wooden structure & you use Milk of Magnesia bottles? Do they even still make Milk of Magnesia?

  2. Some beautiful flowers. Love the stumps of Ivy, very interesting.
    Speaking of interesting that blue bottle tree is something else! Love Franks' sign. Have a wonderful week ahead.

  3. You could start a new trend in parsonage decor :)

    Lovely flowers! We had a real cold snap this week and I think it may have finished my roses for the season. In the past they've bloomed well into June but it usually doesn't get this cold until then.

    I love walking through graveyards and reading the tombstones. It's interesting to see what information is included. And they're always such peaceful places. But the graveyard in your photo does look a little sad and neglected. Where I'm from (Kentucky) there's a tradition for the families who have loved ones buried at a cemetery to have an annual clean up day. There's usually enough folks still around that every cemetery gets spruced up.

    Have a great week!

  4. Enjoyed the pics, especially the flowers and the sunset. Thanks for sharing. :)

  5. I love that pink knockout rose! the ivy covered tree stump is cool, too.


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