
Monday, April 30, 2012

Z is for Zenith

Z is for Zenith

Today is my final entry in the April A-Z challenge.  Today is not an actual adventure but the summit, of Zenith of many adventures.  Throughout the month I have told you of the adventures I have had and the adventures I on my bucket list.  I realize in life that just because it is written down does not mean it is going to be.  It may not be God's plan for you at that time.  Scotland, or the many other places I want to see may have to wait. Who knows....but for now....right here in this place I have lived a great adventure.  I have a wonderful life, a wonderful husband, wonderful children, wonderful family and wonderful friends.  This truly is a day that the Lord has made and I will be glad and rejoice in it!  Many people have been with me on the ride of my life to date and they have made my adventures wonderful.  I look forward to many, many more grand adventures with many more friends and family.  Life is for living....I want to play in the game not just sit on the side lines and watch.  You may wonder why I chose Z for Zenith today.  Well according to Merriam-Webster the definition for zenith is: 1. the point on the celestial sphere vertically above a given position or observer. 2. a highest point or state; culmination.   apex, summit. So, as the A-Z challenge reaches it's summit I must thank you for being with me on the adventure I have had coming up with themed words using the alphabet and hope you will still stop by and set a spell with me from time to time.


  1. Go, you!!! Congratulations on completing this challenge! Things here have been so topsy-turvy lately around here, that I haven't been "on schedule" in ages.

    Big, bloggy hugs!

  2. A-Z fun posts! Wishing you a zenith day!


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