
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Aunt Eula's 108th Birthday Party

May 12th I got to do somethiing I have never done before.  I attended the 108th birthday party of my great aunt.  She looked magnificent.  I want you to know that this spritely lady still gets her hair and nails done every single Friday. She is a grand lady.  When I was a child she was always dressed to the nines.  You see her husband was my grandfather's twin brother.  The funny thing about it is that Eula and my grandmother should have been the twins.  My grandfather was 6'3 and weighed about 100 pounds soaking wet. Uncle Gurry was about 5'5 inches and weighed 200 pounds.  They looked like Mutt and Jeff.  Eula was always fixed up and my grandmother had trailer baby feet.  She hated shoes. It was a whole lot of fun growing up in this family because there was always a whole lot of love and a while lot of music.  Even at her 108th party there was music in the corner and if you had an instrumet or wanted to were welcome.  Yep, that was it.  In the Prophitt always felt welcome.  Happy Birthday Aunt Eula.

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing. I can't imagine being 108 and still doing so well. I went to a memorial service through Hospice after my uncle passed away and one of the woman being honored at this service had lived to 112. Sounds like a lovely party.


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