
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

We met Kat and Brian at Cracker Barrel in yesterday and had a wonderful breakfast with them and Amanda.  I got a Starbucks gift card....yummo.  We are both very busy at our churches on Sunday and live two hours from each other so we make the day when we want it.  This morning I checked my facebook page and found her final gift to me.  It read:  "Happy Mothers day to my momma! You have inspired me in so many ways-thank you for taking me to church every Sunday...even when I was sick ( cause you just don't miss church), pickin' guitars and singing with me and my friends, allowing me to wear necklaces on my head-because they really are cooler as crowns, photodocumenting EVERY moment in my life, driving me all the way to PEI just to see Green Gables, laughing with me and at me, imparting your sense of adventure, and for passing on the story telling gene:) I think you did a pretty awesome job raising me :)."  I have to add to her comment that she certainly made being a mom easy.  She was my best friend, traveling buddy, and biggest fan.  I was blessed to hold the title of her momma.  To all mothers out there today....Happy Mother's Day! 


  1. That is so beautiful. Obviously you are a wonderful mother and she loves you deeply.
    Happy Mother's Day to you!

  2. What a sweet note! Happy Mother's Day!


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