
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Hodge Podge - Vol 78

Welcome to this week's edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge. Everyone is invited to play along thanks to our lovely hostess, Joyce..   Here is the deal you read and answer the questions on your own blog and then add your link at the bottom of Joyce's post. Here are my answers to Joyce's questions.  I hope you will join in and play along.  It is a great deal of fun and very eye-opening about your blogging buddies.  Ready?  Let's go!
1. What's something you miss about the 80's? If you're too young to miss the 80's how about the 90's?  I would have to say going to College and being a mom to a small child.  My daughter is in her 30's now and married.  I would love to be a mom with a young child again.
2. Do you have a library card? If so, how often do you visit?  I got my first one at age 3 for the Palm Beach County Public Library.  I have one for the Adelia Russell Library here even though I don't live her anymore and I have one for the Roanoke Library.  I use it more in the summer and winter than in the spring and fall.  I also review books and that cuts down on my library time.

3. What's the secret to success?  God in your corner, Hard work, dedication, and the right priorities.

4. This is National Backyard Games week...what's your favorite backyard game?
Horseshoes, volleyball, croquet, and badmitton.  I love backyard games.  Love them!  Love them!  Love them!
5. If I dropped by today what would I find on your coffee table?  Ouch!  I have been sick for the last three weeks but on my table would be my bible, two candles - one made with flowers from my mom's funeral and one from Mary's, a vase of flowers sent to me by a friend to cheer me up, my computer a stack of books I have to read, and an empty glass.

6. Do you own a bicycle? When was the last time you rode a bicycle? Is that something you enjoy?  I do not own a bike anymore.  I have not ridden since I was a child.  I loved riding my Schwinn.  It was turquoise.
7. What's your favorite cheese?  Amish cheese:  colby, colby jack, hoop. There is nothing else like it.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
This is graduation week.  Today my kids are taking finals for 4th and 5th block and will get out at 11:30.  Do you remember when you graduated?  I do!  What was one fond memory that stuck out for you?  I spent the evening after graduation with Carol.  We had a good time and drank some kind of weird wine(18 was the legal drinking age and I turned 18 in April).. Happy Upcoming Summer to all!  I can't wait!



  1. I love croquet! I remember on graduation night feeling a sense of unreality that I was actually the one standing on the stage getting my diploma.

    Here's my hodgepodge:


  2. I agree with #1. Would love those days back. I guess that is just how life is, we live and learn. Those are great backyard games.
    I love colby a lot. I remember a party in our basement with lots of friends from school while my family was celebrating upstairs.
    Hope your feeling better. ((HUGS))

  3. As I was standing in line to graduate, I received a telegram from my Uncle wishing me success. It made me feel very special.

  4. "What's the secret to success? God in your corner, Hard work, dedication, and the right priorities."
    You are soooo right on with that answer, IMO...Graduation night from highschool I cried myself to sleep - I remember it well. Guess I oughta blog about that. *smile

  5. Good answer to #3!!!
    Love backyard games! I don't really remember a whole lot about my high school graduation, except being ready to move on to the next phase!

  6. I got a hot pink Schwinn for my 10th birthday and I still remember how exciting it was to see that bike!

    Hope you have a wonderful summer!


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