
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Upon Graduating

My college mentor, wrote a poem for our commencement and I want to share it with you today:  The title is Today You Star and it goes like this:

"What great feeling to dawn today
You’ve made the grade, you’re on your way
Adulthood looks you in the eye
You’ll soon decide how high to fly
Your childhood bore so many thoughts
Of friends, of tears, of what life taught
But now you face a whole new view
Your dreams will surface, encompass you
Excitement churns within your chest
A class of hotties, you are the best
That cool diploma you’ll take to stay
Now that’s a trophy to tuck away
I still remember how great the feel
There is but one graduation deal
Thirteen years have carried you this far
Now wear that cap, today you star
To close I would like to impart
        As your teacher , Thanks from my heart
From the moment you pick up your caps and gowns and all the senior stuff that's supposed to help you remember the good 'ole days, reality sets in.  This is it.  The day has finally came, and you will be sitting there with all of the friends that you have made over the years, looking out  at your family and deep down you will know that this was a once in a lifetime moment. It will be the last time in your life that these people will all be together in one place. You know that you can come back to visit, but there will be strangers in the halls and it will never be the same. It will be different, the teachres will be different, and you will be different. But it's not the end. In fact, everything from this moment on is is just the beginning....a new embrace it.  I am proud of you all.  You have worked hard to get here.  Good Luck and Vaya Con Dios!


  1. That pretty much says it all!

  2. What a beautiful send off your mentor wrote for the students.
    I pray they find happiness in their lives.


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