
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Project 365 - Week 21

It is week 21 and I am feeling better and headed to the beach after church this morning for a family vacay.....Frank and I are so excited.  The wait is killing us both.   I cannot wait to get some beach sunrises and sunsets and get some sand between my toes.  Project 365 is hosted each week by Sara and if you want to see some really awesome pictures hop over to her blog and look at everyone's offering for the week.  We live all over the world and the pictures never fail to amaze me.  My week was a week of no energy so most of my pictures came from inside.  Saturday was one of my first big outings.  We had a Prophitt family reunion at Amanda's.  I took some photos to show you what my family does.....we eat, we love each other, and we have music. I love my family.

Sunday, May 20th - Graduation Sunday
Today was the Sunday our church honors our graduating senios with a special service.  We had two graduating, Lyndi and Tyler. After service we had a luncheon for them.  Before service though Frank got a call to go with Tony to tell parents that their child was dead.  It was a horrible start to the day and one of my really bad days.   The service was bittersweet because their was a major connections to our church. The song I had planned to sing I changed because I could not get through it without crying.  I ended up singing Remember Me. I snapped a couple of pictures of my new weeping gold pieces I bought from Mrs. Shirley.  The pictures don't do it justice.

Monday, May 21st-
The lst week of school.  I am still feeling puny and so after work I came home and remembered I did not take a picture of my Mother's Day card from Kat and Brian.  It is really cute and I think I am going to try ad make one.  This may be one of my retirement things to do....good thing I will have a couple more years to get it .  We went to visitation at the funeral home tonight.  Such a sad evening for such a special family.

Tuesday, May 22nd -
Still down and remembered I had not taken pictures of my birthday plates from Debo.  They are so cute and I cannot wait to serve someone on them.  Debo is like me....she loves dishware.

Wednesday, May 23rd.-
The kids got out at half day today because it is finals week.  Graduation is Friday.  Woooo Hoooo!  I think I will pamper myself with some Victorias Secret!

Thursday, May 24th -
I am feeling better and drug out my pinterest chalkboard tray.  I will post again when I finish it.  My sweet Frank did the taping.  Tonight was Lyndi's graduation from Handley High School and I actually felt good enough to go.  It was so blooming hot.

Friday, May 25th
My new Magnolia print.  Since I am a Still Magnolia I love to collect pretty prints.  I did my bathroom in Magnolia prints.  It is a southern thing.

Saturday May 26th-Prophitt Family Reunion

My cousin's Iris (Aunt Jo), Linda (Aunt Shirley), Iris's daughter, and Aunt Millie.

Bobby Worthington (Aunt Eula's grandson), Amanda (sister/cousin - aunt Shirley), Patti Culpepper (good friend), and Uncle Trollis.

Iris Jean's other daughter( Aunt Jo's family).  I realize I left their names off ....they are  Sara and June and they have some of the most adorable little ones.

Iris and her precious husband, Ricky.  There were many others there but they left early or were down at the lake or on the boat.  I was on my way home to pack for PCB - Panama City Beach.  Have a great week and I will see you next weekend.  Have a safe and happy Memorial Day!


  1. Hope you're feeling better! Enjoy a wonderful vacation with lots of beautiful sunrises and sunsets :)

  2. hope you have fun at the beach & enjoy your vacation. Love all your pics, but especially the family reunion ones. Have a blessed week

  3. Looks like a nice gathering. Like your birthday plate. So sorry about the bad news Frank had to give to those parents. ((HUGS))

  4. Love your pics this week - and I hope you're having a great time at the beach!

    I thought about you the other day. We drove by a church sign that didn't have anything on it. I thought, well if I were that pastor & I had nothing to say I'd put this on the sign: I got nothin'...but God does!

  5. I hope this week brings some peace and smiles, bringing unthinkable news to family members has to be so difficult!

    Loved the plate it was beautiful!



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