
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Prophitt Family Reunion

It is that time of year again and family reunions are abounding.  One of my favorite reunions is the Prophitt family reunion.  We get together every year on Father's Day Saturday(near the birthday of my grandfather)....but this year we made it Memorial Day weekend because A and I are going to be in Ontario with the rest of the KLAMS(Karen, Linda, Amanda, Melissa, and Susan) at Niagara Falls.  Amanda is always Johnny on the spot and ever efficient and sent her invites by email, facebook, mail.  Our family is scattered to the four it is always exciting to see who exactly will be showing up.  It has been hosted in Opelika, Alex City, and for the past couple of years at Amanda's.  She is always such a gracious hostess and everyone enjoys going to the they can swim, boat, and play outside.  She sent out a notice and assigned us all our all we have to do is show up with sides....and believe me there was plenty of food.  How to get a family together in a few easy steps"

Hey everybody!

I'm planning to have all you Prophitt's over to the Treehouse on Lake West Point on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend for a Prophitt reunion.  I need to see my family!!!

 I'll supply the barbeque meat, ice and paper goods if you all will bring the sides, drinks and desserts.  It's beautiful here at the lake and we'll have a great time getting together again.  Don't forget to bring any pictures and family information to share with everyone!

Larry - I need you to help me spread the word to Trollis and Millie and Polly and Stanley.

Brenda - hope you can make it and I'd appreciate it if you'd get the word to Bobby and his family.

Betty - I know we'll see you at Aunt Eula's 108th birthday party on May 12, but I hope you can all come.  Please pass this on to Bobby, too.

If any of you know how to get in contact with John Prophitt, please pass this along to him.

I've attached directions to the Treehouse for those of you that need 'em.  Can't wait to see you all!
Linda, Aunt Millie(married to my Uncle Trollis - my mom's brother), and me of course

Iris (my Aunt Jo's daughter), Linda, Iris's daughter, and Aunt Millie

Cousin Bobby Worthington, Amanda, and Uncle Trollis

Iris and her husband Ricky

Iris's other daughter
I forgot to get my camera out so I missed some good shots of the Columbus family, Johnny, Quinn and Angela, and all the kids.  I also missed the shots of the incredible banana pudding and blackberry cobbler.  I really should have gotten those....they would make your mouth water.  I can't wait for next years reunion.

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