
Friday, May 25, 2012

The Results Are In

Back in a Hodge Podge post a few weeks ago I asked for prayer because I was sick....did not know why....but had no energy, no appetite, nausea, vomiting.  My lunch biiddies ar work were scared for me.  During the first part of May I had to have a blood test to check my vitamin D lever.  It had come up so they were lessening my dosage.  The next week I had an appointment with my GP to get my Diabetes medicine and my blood pressure medicines filled.  I could barely move to get into the building.  One of my students that day had pointed out that my eyes were yellow.  I was a little scared....nope that is a lie I was a lot scared.  My friend Mary started this same thing in May and she died in Dec.  The GP called me back on Friday and asked me to stop by and let them have more blood.  They were checking for Hepatitis.  They gave me a referral to see a Gastro man and have a CT on Monday. I was really freaking out.  On Sunday during prayer request time Frank called me down...and the whole church joined us there while he annoited me with oil and said the sweetests prayer ever.  I felt so very tired....but at peace.  On Monday the words liver level, blood sugar, gall bladder were all tossed mention of the big "C" word.  They scheduled a MRI for Thursday.  Houston we have a problem here...I am claustrophobic....the kind doctor said no was he....and he gave me a perscription for a calming worked wonders....when Frank and I got home I slept all day and all night.  Doctors office called on Friday and set up an appointment with me on Thursday.....I hate waiting....but then I thought waiting might be good here...that means it may not be something life shattering.  The appointment was at 11.  Frank took me to school and was going to come back and pick me up....bless his heart he has been such a good nurse.The Doctors office called right at the end of my first period planning and wanted me to come then....Frank couldn't make it and I could hear the disappointment in his voice.  I went in, they weighed me, and I was down 41 pounds since this all started.....and was given my diagnosis.  It was not what I expected at all..;I had never even heard of it but I know it now because everyone I know either has it, , has a family member with it, or knows someone with it.  It is not curable...but it is treatable.  Mine was caught early and both doctors are working together to straighten me out.  Since Thursday the energy is returning and since I am on prednesone for a bit....the appetite seems to have too.and I will probably gain some of the weight back....but as long as I have energy I am ok with that.  Thanks to those of you who prayed.....ohhhh and yes, I have ulcerative colitis.  And I serve an awesome God who will keep me in the palm of his quick story I was told over the last few days....on lady I met has a 90 year old grandmother with it.  She was diagnosed when she was 50, had her gall bladder removed at 60 and has only had one bout that put her in the hospital.  Let me tell you....that story made my day!  Have a wonderful Friday!  I know I will.  I have a date, for the first time in a month, with my sweetie pie and I am so excited.  I think I will even hold his hand in Hobby Lobby. 

1 comment:

  1. Well I am thankful that they found out what it is and that you can be helped. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Have a blessed weekend.


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