
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Rosebud!

If you will spare me a few sappy minutes I want to acknowledge a special day in my life.  Thirty two years ago God blessed me with the greatest little Rosebud.  The moment they laid her in my arms she opened her eyes, yawned, grabbed my finger and had me from that moment on.  I honestly believe she smiled at me.  I was lost in amazement at the perfection of this little ball of copper fluff. 
When she would sleep I would drag my chair near the crib and watch her mouth move, her twitch and stretch and just be in awe at this mighty miracle God had made.  At night when I would rock her to sleep I would sing a little ditty my mom used to sing to me called "Sweetest Little Rosebud."  When she was big enough to talk she would tell me that the song was about I modified the lyrics and they became this:  "  Sweetest little rosebud, everybody knows, don't know what to call her but she's mighty like a rose."  "Sweetest little baby, sweet as she can be, she's my little darling and her name is Kathryn Leigh!"  She would giggle in a sleepy voice and doze right off.  She filled my life with love, laughter, and pride.  Over the years she has been called munchkin (she was the shortest in the family), Kat, mi hijita, and even as she matured she allowed me to do this.  When she was in Moldova (picture above with one of the orphans) she informed me that she was a grown woman, other people were reading her facebook posts, and munchkin had to go.  Sigh!  My little girl has grown up.  She is a bundle of joy topped off with red hair.  When she went away to college she was going to be a Social Worker.....but God had other plans for her.  Amazing plans!  She became a Special Ed teacher and even though I personally know how hard being a teacher is she excells at it.  She has the calling of a true teacher.  Her heart is so full of love for others that it makes mine want to bust with pride.  Ten years ago she married her high school sweetheart and believe me the two of them are made for each other.  God was ever present when they became a couple and the two of them are mighty God warriors.  Last year and this year they took vacation time and went to Moldova with Philip Cameron Ministries to work with the orphans there.  Those orphans will never be the same because they have been touched by Kat and Brian.  When Kat loves you.....she loves you to the pit of your soul.  When she hurts for you....she hurts as deeply as you do. The smile you see in the picture above is the one she always presents to the world.  She has an amazing soul and I love her with all my heart.  Today is her birthday and I hope she has a day that is as special as she is.  Happy Birthday to you mi hijita preciosa!  I love you, Momma

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to your Rosebud! Sounds like you raised a beautiful caring person. I am so happy for all of you.


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