
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Project 365 - Week 25

We are almost at the half way point of the year.  Where has 2012 gone?  It is that time of week when I post my photo journal for the week and hook up with Sara over at her blog.  I wish you would hop over there by clicking here and you will see some amazing pictures.  It has been a hot week this week and I have tried to stay inside as much as I could.  So what did my week look like?

Sunday, June 17th - Father's Day
I came home from Canada today.  I had been gone since Thursday and this was Frank's sign for the week.  I am glad I got a shot of it.

Monday, June 18th

Saturday night while I was in Canada Joel Dollar had an auction over in Standing Rock.  Since I was not going to be there he let me come by on Wednesday and leave a silent bid for anything I wanted.  Frank ended up going to the sale so he made sure I got the three things I wanted.  Monday morning he brought them in and we opened them up.  It was like Christmas at the Korb house.  I got a 5 qt. stainless Kitchen Aid mixer, the coolest toaster defrosts!....and a cheese holder with 4 wine glasses that has grapes etched in the glass.  I could not wait to unpack my prizes and get them placed.  Of course when we got the Kitchen Aid and toaster put up it made my pots and pans look pitiful so tomorrow we are going to get some new ones.  Whoooo hoooo!

Tuesday, June 19th

Tuesday morning we ran some errands and got tomatoes and South Carolina peaches at the truck farmer in town.  The corn came from the Robertsons at our church.  I am cooking it and fried green tomatoes for supper tonight.  I want to use the new cookware we are going to get.

Wednesday, June 20th

Wednesday I picked these peppers off the pepper plant the Robertson's gave Frank to plant.  It still has a bunch on it.  The bag of already snapped beans came from the Houze's garden.  I am cooking these bad boys tonight for dinner.  I cannot wait.

Thursday, June 21st

 Thursday we had some special visitors.  My niece Ramona was here to audition to be on the Family Feud and she and her precious boys - little Will and Drew man came and spent the morning with us.  I could just squeeze these babies to death they are so sweet.  Will is constantly on the go and Drew was fascinated by the donkey in our back yard.  Beau was checking out the donkey too.  I think the donkey was a bit curious about all the commotion in our backyard as well.  I had a wonderful visit with the three of them.  Kat is supposed to be home from Moldova today.  I can't wait to hear her voice.  She has been gone since the beginning of June.

Friday, June 22nd

We have a church bird house in the front yard that my friend Mary gave to me when we first moved in to the parsonage.....anyways the roof was removed from it for the second time.  Last time we picked up the roof and put it back on.....but I think the birds have taken it off....and for a reason.  Inside the bird house there were four sky blue little eggs and one roan egg over to the side.  I can't wait to see them hatch.  I have enjoyed watching the momma and daddy bird fly in and out bringing food and stuff to the little ones.

Saturday, June 23rd - Kat's 32nd Birthday

We went to a graveside funeral today in Daviston during the heat of the day.  This was for the aunt of a friend of ours.  At 3ish we headed down the road to Marcie's house.  Grillmaster extraordinaire Tracy was cooking and we were instructed to bring sides.  He and Frank sat out in the yard and discussed world events while the meat grilled.  The results of the cooking was a pan full of country style ribs, a pan full of assorted sausages and hotdogs, and a pan full of boston butt.  The meat was delicious.  Tracy outdid himself once again.  When the sun finally went down the guys went across the street to Tommy's house to do some target practice and when Frank came back we came home.  I was going to post this last night but was so tired.  Today is my Kat's thirty-second birthday and I hope she had a good one.  We are going to go and have lunch with her on Thursday.  I hope you have a good week and don't forget to go over to Sara's blog and check out the rest of the gangs offerings.  I know you will love them. 


  1. You always manage to pack so much into a week! haha
    Looks like a very good week. I love my Kitchenaid and hardly a day goes by without me using it. I know you'll enjoy yours too :)
    All the fresh fruits and vegies made my mouth water. We're in the midst of winter and I'm dreaming of fresh strawberries in a couple months, followed by all the other yummies that will be forthcoming. Meanwhile I'll drool over your photos :)
    Have a great week!

  2. I love all your produce pictures too - yum!

    You know if we had a donkey in our back yard Dr. M would take a picture of it every day :)

    Happy birthday Kat!

  3. Love the new items you got. So sweet of Frank to go while you were gone. The meal looks delicious! Thanks for sharing your pictures.

  4. oh that kitchenaid looks great. I have one and love it!

    and I feel like I am going through the farmers market as I browse everyones pictures! ha!

  5. Love those grilled vegetables.
    Pretty cool stuff from the auction.
    My baby's almost 34, I must be older than you ;-) Happy birthday, Kat! Tell us about Moldova.

  6. Love all the fresh produce !!!!

    The birthday meal looks delish too.


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