
Monday, June 4, 2012

Moldova 2012

Team Number 1
  • When I was a parent I taught Mission Friends to my daughter and her friends.  I taught Sunday School and Bible School and we learned and prayed for numerous missionaries all around the world.  Never in my wildest dream did I realize God was planting seeds into the heart of my daughter. Kat left this morning at 5:15 headed to Atlanta enroute for Moldova for the second summer.  She has held numerous fund raisers, bought supplies, asked for donations and people gave willingly. I just can't believe that the day has come and she is gone!  This years trip is a bit different than last year because Kat will be there without Brian until the 14th of June.  He will be bringing the second group.  They will come home June 23rd.  I have to say I have been so truly blessed seeing the mighty work God has been doing in their lives in preparation for this trip. This trip is God's plan and desire for their precious hearts can't even imagine...Let me just tell you a quick little story so you can understand how this came to be.  Five years ago, when Kat was working at the Chapter One Office, she heard this man on Faith Radio talking about this country None of us had ever heard of.....MOLDOVA. He told of the perils that young men and women face in Moldova. It broke my munchkins heart to hear about young orphan girls aging out of the system at 16 and being scooped up by horrible predatorial people. She went to work that day and talked about Moldova around morning coffee with her coworkers...and after that she could never forget the name of that country...God continued to burden her heart for the children there. I won't give you any history or political lessons on Moldova because you can read that for yourself if you so desire....I'd rather you know about the children there. Simply stated...Moldova is a poor country and there are MANY orphans there. Many of the children in the orphanages have families who are alive who either don't want them or would rather not "waste" money on their care. Can you imagine? Knowing that your family is out there but would rather see you raised by strangers? It breaks God's heart. Over the last few years...God has continued to break Kat and Brian's hearts for what breaks His...MOLDOVA (in particular). Brian and Kat have spent lots of time in prayer for the children and people of Moldova. Philip Cameron Ministries (the man I heard on Faith Radio as it turns out) has formed a relationship with their church, Frazer United Methodist.   They have been blessed to hear the girls from Stella's House share their stories on many occassions. In the spring of 2011, the government of Moldova gave the chrisitan organization Phillip Cameron Ministires (PCM) a previoiusly state run orphanage (that was in EXTREME disrepair). Anyway, PCM has completely renovated the building (made it livable) and there are now between 30 and 40 children there. They are going to be spending the majority of our time just LOVING on them and showing them that we love them and that our amazing CREATOR does too. The orphanage is Providence Orphanage in Cupcui, Moldvoa. They will also be spending time with the girls from Stella's House. This is PCMs attempt to prevent these girls from being sold into sex slavery. They give them a home, help them learn English and help them establish and learn a trade (finish high school, college, and/or university). All the while...teaching them about and showing them God's love.  So where are they going and what is the country like?  Here is a brief history lesson about Moldova.
  • Moldova is a small country in Eastern Europe
  • Poverty is Rampant
  • Child abandonment is rampant
  • It is the sex trafficking capital of Europe.
  • There are children and young women there who need to see and know God's love is real (THIS is the MAIN purpose of our trip).
I ask that my prayer warrier blogging buddies out there will be in prayer for my daughter, her husband, and the rest of the teams as they make a difference in Moldova!  God bless you all!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Karen!

    Kat & Brian will certainly be in my prayers for a safe & successful trip for God's will to be done in Moldova. I'm so glad you posted about the country so we know about such places & people that need our prayers. I have always had a burden to pray for children so I feel blessed to have the opportunity to pray for these innocent children of God.

    It sounds like you've been really busy lately! What great pics you took of that one gal... so professional looking. You're gettin' pretty good with that camera girl!!

    Just wanted you to know where I am these days. I have closed my blog for a while due to an "attack" on it by someone vicious... long story. I didn't want "the enemy" having access to links of people I am friends with. It was a case of using public forums to attack. All I can do is pray for the party responsible. But God always opens that "window" for us. I am sharing the blog of a dear friend now, Dolls by Marie Antionette. She has had problems with TI's that affect brain function and Marie has a very hard time writing posts now. So I have become her writer and will share some of my creative ideas on her blog. It's a perfect match! So you will find me on her blog for now.

    Blessings & hugs, Sherry "Edie" formerly Edie Marie's Attic


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