
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Vol 80

I am so glad to welcome you to this week's edition of The Wednesday Hodgepodge. Our hostess Joyce comes up with some thought provoking, funny, nonsensical questions each week and puts them out there on here blog so that her followers can answer them and share.  It is a great way to get to know people.  I want you to be sure to add your link at the bottom of Joyce's post and try to visit some of the other links too. That's part of the fun! Here are my answers to this weeks questions-

1. How many students were in your high school graduating class? Did you know most, if not all of them?  1000ish.  I knew some and after 40 years still have no clue who others are.  My friends were not all in my class so lines were crossed.  I was very active in my church and that is where a good many of my friends were.
2. What was the last thing you photographed?  I take pictures everyday because I participate in Project 365.  One of my favorite last things I shot was Libby at the beach.  She is so easy to shoot.
3. Pickles-love 'em or loathe 'em? If it's love what's something you eat that needs a pickle?
Love 'em!! Bread and Butter are my favorite and I like them beside a sandwich or a burger. Ilove dill pickles and I need them at the movies.  I also love sweet pickles chopped up in chicken or tuna salad.

4. What's a stereotype you perpetuate without meaning to?  I have to agree with Joyce and say that women have no sense of direction.
5. Ever been horseback riding? If so, is it something you enjoy? If not, do you have any interest? Did you watch the Kentucky Derby? Will you be watching the last leg of the Triple Crown this weekend?
I learned to ride a horse when I was a kid at a place off Military Trail.  I saved my allowance each week to get to go and ride for a few hours and loved it.  I never wanted a horse and don't ride today unless it is part of some travel experience.  I can take or leave watching horse racing and I did watch the Derby this year because I love the hats. 

6. What's your favorite wedding movie?  I don't even have to think here.  Father of the Bride (both versions with Spencer Tracy and Steve Martin and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.  I am thinking Joyce and I are close in age.

7. What is one 'tourist attraction' in the USA you'd like to see in person?  Since I have been to 48 of the 50 states I have to say the glaciers, the eagles, the mountains of Alaska and the Aurora Borealis .

8. Insert your own random thought here. We just got back from the beach.  Do you like the beach?  What is your favorite quick beach trip?  What is your dream beach trip?  I love the beach.  A quick run to the panhandle of Florida is a good picker upper for me.  Dream beach trip is of course Hawaii, Costa Rica, anywhere in the Carribean.


  1. Lovely picture of your daughter! Alaska is also on my list! We are two of the few with huge classes today too.

    Enjoy your day!

  2. The beach would be perfect, if it weren't for all that sand! :)
    I love to sit under an umbrella with a good book, dozing off to the sound of the waves!

  3. I love to go to the beach, second only to the mountains--and I mean rugged mountains. And I love the rugged coastline of central Oregon the best. The cliffs rising up just beyond the shoreline make for a majestic view from the sandy beaches.

  4. Wow, that's a large graduating class. I love both Father of the Bride movies also! Enjoy the rest of your week.

  5. I watched both Father of the Bride movies last week. Princess had never seen them so we had to fix that. I've watched numerous times and they never get old. LOVE Steve Martin!

  6. There is no quick trip to the beach for me! We could drive a few hours to the Indiana or Michigan dunes...I love listening to the waves :) WOW, 48 out of 50 states - that's a big accomplishment! I would love to visit all the states some day...I should count up how many I have been to so far...Happy Wednesday!

  7. Hello Dear,
    You have such a lovely daughter.No wonder she is so easy to do photos of her.
    And this is really a lovely blog.
    Lots of interesting things.

    Sherry and I both are glad you came over.
    Sherry is the greatest for coming in with me.She did this post for me and what a post it is.I'm looking forward to meeting all her friends.
    Yes the fire was bad but my new kitchen is so good....LOL.I'm glad you like the dolls.I enjoy making them.
    Take care and May God bless you,
    Marie Antionette


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