
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Reasons to Hire a Postpartum Doula

I have a guest blogger today and I am excited about her post because it is something I didn't know that much about until I read this.  My guest blogger is Katie Moore and I hope you enjoy her writing style.  My daughter was a birthing coach earlier this year and had to attend some doula classes.  I did not want to look stupid so I just nodded my head in understanding...instead of asking what a doula was.  I had my children back in the day when Lamaze and La Leche were the big things.  I understand from watching movies that there are a lot of different birthing methods and such out there today.  That is why I decided to let Katie share her story. 

Reason to Hire a Postpartum Doula

As thrilled as a new mom may feel about entering motherhood, she may also carry a bit of fear and uneasiness too. After all, taking care of an infant comes with a lot of responsibilities. On top of that, having a new baby in the family can be an emotional time for the entire household.

To ease the transition into motherhood, many new moms hire postpartum doulas for guidance, support, and general aid with the new baby. Although hiring professional help brings extra expenses, the benefits often outweigh the extra cost.

What is a doula?

A doula is a trained professional who specializes in labor and postpartum support. There are many types of doulas, and a postpartum doula focuses on assisting new moms after labor. Their responsibilities include helping with infant care, breastfeeding, meals, caring for other children in the family, household chores, and general support.

 Although doulas do not replace medical professionals, their constant assistance makes them a valuable service to obtain. A doula can help educate a mother about available options during labor and delivery like pain management choices, umbilical cord blood banking and immunizations. sA doula also is great for educating a mother post-delivery about how to care for her baby.

Benefits of hiring a doula
Infant care

Taking care of a newborn is exhausting. You have to work around the clock to ensure his comfort and wellbeing. It’s especially hard on moms who had a C-section and are still healing from surgery, moms who breastfeed and wake up several times during the night, and single mothers who lack partner support.

With a doula, you are not the lone caregiver shouldering all the responsibilities. You can take a break from mommy duties and take a nap, enjoy a walk, or just have some alone time. When you have been tending to a needy newborn day after day, some time off makes a world of difference.

Plus, as a new parent, you don’t have the knowledge and experience to handle questionable situations – is going to the bathroom six times a day normal? Should I swaddle my infant when it’s hot in the room? Why does my infant spit up formula but not breast milk? A doula’s experience can guide you through uncertain times, and help you become a confident parent.

 Emotional support

The birth of a baby is a sensitive time in your life and can bring a flood of emotions. You have to adjust from your childless lifestyle to an inherited a world of responsibilities. Plus, having just given birth, you can feel extra sensitive emotionally and are recovering physically from delivery.

Having a doula for company can bring comfort at this delicate time. They are your support, advisor and friend. They are an outlet when you need one. They are there to help you through difficult times.

Help around the house

When you are busy with the little one, household duties such as cleaning and cooking can seem minute. However, a clean space and homemade meals are still important for a healthy lifestyle. A doula can help with household tasks so you can focus on the new baby and not worry about chores.

With all of the extra support that a doula can provide, a mother will have no troubling adjusting to her new lifestyle with her new bundle of joy!

“Katie Moore has written and submitted this article. Katie is an active blogger who discusses the topics of, motherhood, children, fitness, health and all other things Mommy. She enjoys writing, blogging, and meeting new people! To connect with Katie contact her via her blog, Moore From Katie or her twitter, @moorekm26.”


  1. I was lucky to have my Mom with me after the birth of our first child. Learning from Mom is a great memory, but for those who don't have Mom/Grandmother present I can see where a Doula would be a GREAT luxury.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful perk for a new mother! Thanks for your visit last week.....I'm just catching back up!


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