
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Volume 83

Welcome to this week's edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge. To play along just answer the questions on your own blog then add your link to the bottom of Joyce's post by clicking here. Afterwards hop around and see what your neighbors are saying. Remember there will not be a Hodgepodge next Wednesday (July 4th)...July 11th will be the next 'official' Hodgepodge.
Here are my answers to this week's questions-
1. What do the words 'freedom' and 'liberty' mean to you? Does your mind go in the direction of not being persecuted or discriminated against or does it head in the direction of doing what you please?
My miind goes in the direction of not being persecuted or discriminated against.  Having traveled internationally I have been places where this is NOT the common.  I am glad that I have the right to worship where I want to and not have to hide my worship for fear of death.  Here I have the right to defend myself and carry a permit that gives me the right to bear a weapon.  Here I can express myself through protesting, I know I will receive far treatment if I am accused of something...innocent until proven guilty, and I can write, speak, think, and act without fear of reprisal as long as I stay within the confines of the law.  There are many who have fought here and on foreign soil to make sure that this is so.  When I think of freedom and liberty I think of how much it cost the patriots before me and the soldiers now and I am very thankful!
2. Nathan's sponsors a hot dog eating contest every July 4th. Last year over 40,000 people attended the event and almost 2 million watched it on TV. The winner ate over 60 hot dogs and buns in 10 minutes. How do you like your hot dogs? If I am in New York, Chicago, Atlantic City or at a ball game I prefer it with mustard and relish....with maybe a few onions.  If it is just off the grill I like ketchup, mustard, relish, onions, kraut.  If  I find myself at Daniel's in Valley, AL I want a scrambled dog with chili and slaw added to the mix.  I love hotdogs....but not enough to attempt 60 in 10 minutes, 
3. If you were going to enter an eating contest what would be on the menu? There is not a food around that I want to enter and eating contest with.  I like the taste of many things...but don't have the urge to be that much of a glutton over any of them.  I am not even a buffet fan.  I want a set portion set before me.
4. Do you run your house more as a dictatorship or a democracy?  All of our children have homes of their own now and Frank and I  pretty much discuss everything, which feels very democratic.  When the kids were living at home it was closer to a dictatorship.  I set rules and they followed them.  We discussed the rules when the kids felt they were unfair....but I was still the final decision, after all....I was the parent.
5. Where was your favorite summer place as a kid?   I'd probably say the beach and Lido Pool at Lake Worth Beach if we were local.  One of the mothers would take us as often as possible.  I lived about 5 minutes from both.  We could also ride bikes when we were old enough to go alone.  If it were a vacation then it would have been Melbourne, FL, Sanibel Island and Captiva.  They are still some of my favorite places today.
6. Do you have a guest room? Would you want to stay there?  I have two guest rooms.  One is used as my office and very cluttered right now with stuff from my moms, photos I am going through, and crafty things.  I would not want to stay there....but summer plan number 2 is to get that room in order.  The second room is lovely and yes I would love to hide away there.  It has a Martha Stewart pillow top on the mattress and I have worked hard at making it look homey.  I love that room. 
7. Next Wednesday America celebrates her independence. Do you have any special plans for the 4th of July? If you live outside the USA when and how does your country celebrate its own patriotic holiday?   We will do the small town celebrating by attending a cookout at friends.  We will sit on our front porch later that night and catch the fireworks from Lake Wedowee. I am making a strawberry, blueberry trifle for the cookout and the beans.  Our church is doing their patriotic Sunday this week.  I will be singing "God Bless the U.S.A." as the special.
8. Insert your own random thought here. Today is Bob Keeshan's birthday....if you don't recognize the name and you are close to my age you might remember him as Captain Kangaroo.  I loved his show when I was a kid.  He and Mr. Green Jeans entertained me for the time frame that they were on.  Today is also Helen Keller's birthday.  Her childhood home, Ivy Green, is in North Alabama and a beautiful place to visit.  Her story has always fascinated me.  Today also is the day the Happy Birthday song was penned.  What was your favorite kids show when you were younger?  Did you have a historical person you loved reading about?  If today is your birthday...then I hope it is happy....if today is just June 27th for you then I hope you have a good day.


  1. I loved Captain Kangaroo too. We had a local celeb in our neighborhood. Her name was Sally Starr and she had a children's program on tv that we liked.

    I've always admired Helen Keller too. Lottie Moon...Anne Frank...Corrie ten Boom...Florence Nightingale...all were women who fascinated me.

  2. 60 hotdogs in 10 minutes?! Wow!
    I love a good hotdog but am the world's slowest eater!

  3. Your hot dog sounds yummy! Sounds like you have some fond memories from your childhood. I watched the Captain all the time. Have a fun
    4th of July.

  4. I have been to Lake Worth beach! I had lots of fun there many years ago :)

  5. What fun! Captain Kangaroo and Mister Green Jeans, I have not thought about them in ages! Enjoyed your answers!
    until next time... nel


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