
Friday, July 20, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Enough

I have started following a new blog called Tales From A Gypsy Mama.  I love her stuff but the thing I loved most about her was her meme on Friday called Five Minute Friday.  Every Friday at exactly 12:01 a.m. she posts a topic and once you wake up and do your have five minutes to free write on a given topic.  I love this....when I was in college I attended the SunBelt Writers project and that is what we did each morning.  If you are interested in joining up....check out LisaJo's blog.  I am excited about pardon my randomness.(Taking a deep breath before diving in)


I stare in my cabinets and see multiple glasses that who uses?  It is just Frank and I here in this house.  I have green glasses and Goldinger "Dublin" glasses in the dining room, I have some kind of Walmart glasses in the kitchen mixed in with some strange collection of weird pair of any and a few couples of some.  When is there ever enough glasses.

We are in Nashville, Music City, Nashvegas, .....and I live in Rock Mills, AL.  The traffic here is horrendous.  If I lived in this town or anytown this size I would know every single back road.  I hate interstates (unless I am trying to get somewhere) and crazy drivers.  I like scenic rides and beauty.  We came across the Cumberland Gap on our way here and even though it was I -24 the view was breathtaking.  My favorite ride is through the Appalachians....anywhere along the way.

It is early morning here in Nashville.  The clock is ticking as my fingers fly across this keyboard.  I only have five minutes and my time is nearly up.  I thought writing for five minutes would be easy.....but my mind seemed to shut down.  I listened to the thunder, watched a light rain fall, listened to Melissa get ready for work, dreaded packing up to head home,  answered Melissa's questions about the missing blue jeans she bought yesterday.....and discovered....I had written enough.


Now I am headed back to Lisa Jo's blog to link up and comment on the person before me.  Have a great Friday and hopefully we will have a safe trip back to Alabama.  I think it is going to rain on us all the way home.  I just hope we got some of this....we are in desperate draught situation. 


  1. Hi Karen! First of all welcome to Five Minute Friday and second....YAY!!! I found a sister from Alabama. I'm from South Alabama.

    Looking forward to reading here at your little part of the blog world.

  2. What a great idea! I'll have to check it out!
    I read a post yesterday about some really neat things in the "Nashvegas" area. I really need to explore things in my own state!
    Have a safe drive home!

  3. You did great. I feel I might freeze up if I set a timer!
    Have a nice weekend.

  4. Welcome to Five Minute Friday. Those five minutes are never enough for me. I freeze up first, then when I finally have the thoughts flowing, the timer buzzes...

  5. Karen, I'm glad you are participating in 5 Minute Fridays. It's one of my favorite memes to participate in.

    Hope you do have a safe trip back and that you get some rain.

    Glasses? Who ever has enough?


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