
Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Black Pearl

We have been in Nashville since yesterday visiting with my baby cousin, Melissa and her precious husband, Clay.  We came into town while they were at work....and hit the Cokesbury store and a men's consignment shop called Flips.  Let me tell you....if you are a consignment shopper...then Flips is not for you.  The prices were sky high!  We went to Melissa's and hung out til they got home and then Clay wove his culinary magic on the grill with some amazing pork chops, fresh asparagus, and grilled onions.  We ate dinner and it was absolutely fabulous.  Let me tell you if you are ever in Nashville and can get Clay to cook for you....go for it.  He is a master.  Today Melissa took the day off and we got up and decided to mess around.  We went to Providence and went shopping at Belks.   Melissa needed some new tops and pants.  After a successful trip to Belks....we ate lunch at 5 Guys Burger and Fries and then headed to Opry Mills to go to the Bass Pro Shop and Rack Room shoes.  We walked all over the Opry Mills mall and Melissa lucked out again at the Bass Pro shop.  She definitely had a great day.  We headed over back over Briley Parkway to the house.  It was 96 degrees outside and felt like it was 101.  When we got back to the house Frank and I decided to run down to Kroger and check out the stuff they have that we don't.  We bought a few items and when we returned to the house Clay was at home.  Supper tonight was going to be at the Black Pearl.  We got ready and were there when it opened at five. 
The food was fabulous.  The atmosphere was great. 

You can eat inside or out and enjoy the beauty of the sunset and the marina.  We opted for eating inside because it was miserable outside.  I personally loved the decor.  The food was good and the service was wonderful.  If you are ever in Nashville you need to google The Black Pearl and try it out.  They are on facebook so if you want to see what the special for the day or what band is playing on the weekend you can.  After supper we took the long way home, settled into the living room and played Words With Friends against each other.  I have a crazy family and I love spending time with them.  We are heading back to Alabama tomorrow so we can get some unfinished jobs finished up.  I love my life....I love my family....I love traveling.  It does not get any better than this!  Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you enjoyed your time in Nashville despite the traffic! We were just there this past weekend as well and had downpours while navigating the streets that begged to be included in my latest post, of course. : ) I see your husband is a United Methodist pastor as was my father-in-law and my brother-in-law still is. When we passed the big Cokesbury store it made me miss my father-in-law who was a wonderful, caring, godly man who touched many lives in simple, everyday ways. Looking forward to following you. : )


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