
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Project 365 - Week 27

It is that time of week again.  I know you just can't wait to see what I have seen or done this week.  I have had camera troubles this week (dead battery when I needed to use it) so I have used my cell phone a good bit...but a picture is a picture.  If you want to check out other people's shots then head over to Sara's blog and join in.  I have enjoyed participating in this venture for the second year.

Sunday, July 1st
We made a Walmart run after church and when I looked down Hwy 22 there was the sun setting and it looked like an eye to me.  I had my camera on hand so I grabbed the shot. 

Monday, July 2nd

Monday, Frank and I went to LaGrange to see the new Madea movie.  Heading to the theater we passed my new favorite consignment shop and the square downtown.  The movie was great.  I am loving being off and doing afternoon matinees with my sweetie.  This makes our third since summer began.  I better enjoy them while I can.

Tuesday, July 3rd
Today I began recovering my dining room chairs.  The above picture is the before shot.  The below picture is the after.  I am pretty proud of myself, but will tell you I don't want to do this for a living.

My old curtains did not match my new seats in the dining room so we replaced the curtains we had been using with new sheers.  My dining room looks amazing and I am so tickled with the outcome.

 I bought these at a yard sale and finally got them put up.  When I looked at the picture it looks like an owl face to me.  How about you?  I love the plates ad the sconce.  They go nicely with my new dining room design.

Wednesday, July 4th
We went to a bar-be-que today....actually two of them.  I made this diabetic friendly red, white, and blueberry trifle.  There was absolutely none left.  If you want the recipe then click here.  I made this one with strawberries and could substitute raspberries for the strawberries.

Thursday, July 5th

My mom collected All God's Children figurines and as long as I can remember they have been in boxes in her closet.  I moved them from Kellyton to Rock Mills where they have stayed in boxes.  I bought the curio at a sale and had some extra glass shelves cut and finally got down to displaying the little people.  In my den we have two walls with my dad's collection of Franklin Mint cars and now we have a collection for my mom.  She originally started this collection with three figures who were named Emma (her mom's name), Toby and Willie (her brother's name).  These are made by Mrs. Martha in Alabama and no longer produced I believe.  Many of the pieces had been retired long before that.  After we got this set it was time to cook.   We have dinner guests coming tonight.

Friday, July 6th
We went to the church this morning and while Frank set up the sign I did the bulletins for Sunday.  We tried to do it early so it would not be so hot.  We were home before 9.  Works for me!

Saturday, July 7th
A few weeks ago I bought a teapot chime.  It was not finished but I wanted it so the lady at Snip "N" Stitch sold it to me and I planned to come home and finish it.  I put it in the utility room and began gathering what I needed to finish it.  Today I got out the beads, went to Frank's shop to drill a hole in the spoon that would drop from the spout and put it together.  I could not wait to hang it.  Saturday afernoon we went to Newnan, Ga to mess around and eat.  I found another little pitcher at a local Goodwill and can't wait to make my next chime.  These are fun to do.  I may have found my artistic talent here.  We will see.  Well, that was my week.  I enjoyed living it and I hope you enjoyed sharing it with me.  See you next Sunday, have a great week, and stay safe.  God Bless You Real Good!


  1. beautiful sunset!!! I LOVE the chairs!! you did a great job! and that dessert looks amazing!

  2. I've seen those chimes in various stores and they are so cute. Good job!

    Isn't it fun when a few fairly simple changes makes a whole new room? :) Your dining room looks gorgeous!

    Glad you're enjoying your summer!

  3. Great shots this week.

    I need to recover my bar stools in the kitchen and have been putting it off. I know you are glad to have that project finished!


  4. Loved the sunset & the teapot wind chime, how cleaver.

  5. Nice job on your chairs - I love to redo chairs too.

    Yum on the dessert.

  6. I really like your chairs and new sheers. So glad you are having a refreshing, relaxing summer doing things you enjoy!

  7. Your new dining room looks great! I took an upholstery class once - it's hard work!

    That trifle looks fabulous - & so does the sunset :)


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