
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Toy Soldiers

This morning I was reading Facebook posts when I found the cutest picture my nephew had posted.   The picture transformed me back to happy Christmas times when I was a child so I knew I had my post topic for today.  When my brother was four he got a huge bag of toy soldiers for Christmas.  I hated those little green men.  Everywhere in our house you tried to walk, sit, or sleep you would find a toy soldier hidden in a private bunker awaiting the enemy.  I cannot tell you how many times I pulled little green guns out of my feet where they had lodged themselves.  They hurt!  Many years would pass and my son would get a bag of little green men for Christmas.  You would have think I would have learned back when i was seven....but alas, obviously I didn't.  Once again I found myself stepping or sitting on little green men who were hidden in private bunkers awaiting their enemies and I think I was said enemy.  Playing war was an endless game at my house.  I would step on them, fuss at Eric for not picking them up, he would apologize with a twinkle in his eye, and smile his mischievious little grin and minutes later I would step on another one and the ritual would be repeated.  I was delighted when Eric moved onto Star Wars action could see them.  Little boy toys are no different then the countless Barbie shoes I would find everywhere.  Sigh!  But you know....since they have all grown up, married, and moved away I would give anything to step on a toy soldier or Barbie shoe again. 

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya and totally agree.
    Such a bittersweet remembrance, isn't it?
    I remember my parents occasionally stepping on one
    of my jacks I had forgotten to pick up.
    The beat goes on . . .


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