
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Project 365 - Week 30

Well, as you are about to see my week is all about VBS and crafting for the most part!  It has been a long, scorching hot week.  Rain this week was hit or miss and it only hit us once.....and that was briefly.  Everything is dying.  My favorite fields of sunflowers looks so sad that it makes me want to go to Auburn a different way....only there isn't one unless I want to go a bizillion miles out of the way.  Sigh!  Want to see some more really cool pictures from some amazing people then hop over to Sara's blog and check them out.  You might even want to finish up the year with us....or think about joining us next year.  I hope you enjoy my week as much as I did.

Sunday, July 22nd

A wagon train passed my house today.  It was pretty cool to see them.  The guy that owns them also owns a huge Conestoga wagon and a gorgeous fancy buggy.

Monday, July 23rd

Mrs. Betty Jean's white dinner plate hibiscus is really putting on a show this year.  Today this one was opened completely so before we went to Auburn I had to grab a shot of it.  Monday night we began decorating for VBS.  The theme is Operation Overboard.  Mrs. Sherry has a keen eye for decoration.

Tuesday, July 24th

Back to the church on Tuesday night to finish up the decorations.  VBS starts tomorrow night and we need to have everything ready.  I have 150 little fish done and will do the name tags tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 25th

Miss Ashley is practicing her lesson for the pre-schoolers with Ocho the Octopus.  Preacher Frank and Mrs Beth are cutting up at the registration table.

Thursday, July 26th

We attended a funeral today for one of our church members, Mr. Laurice.  VBS is tonight so I spent some time completing some crafty projects in between the two events.  Bracelet to the left I made for my dear friend Jo's birthday next week.  It is a story bracelet.  Necklace in the middle, the Tree of Life, I made for my precious Mae Lynn.  She has breast cancer and I am taking her some soup and the necklace on Saturday.  The bracelet on the right is mine and I added a four leaf clover, treble clef, and my initial.  I then hung the tray chalkboard.  I bought it last week at one of the yard sales we hit for a dollar.  It was made in Italy.  I planned to write you a message on it before I took the picture but discovered I had no chalk.  Sigh!  This is one of my Pinterest pins.   I can now chalk(no pun intended) one off.

Friday, July 27th

Today my friend Marian and I went to Newnan so she could get some little tigers for a table centerpiece for her camping group.  After we finished we decided to go into Atlanta and eat lunch at Mary Mac's Tea Room. Check out my blog entry about it.   It was awesome.  If you are ever in the Atlanta area you have got to eat here.  They are located at 224 Ponce de Leon Ave.  Just plug it into your GPS.  Warning:  Get there early or you will stand in line.  Tonight was the last night of VBS.  Three days was a gracious plenty.

Saturday, July 28th

Frank and I went to Alex City this morning to take Mae Lynn her soup and present.  When we left there we headed to Auburn to Penny's so we could exchange his suit pants.  Lunch at Fire House subs, a quick trip to Sams and then home via Beth's house.  Her yard had some great shots in it.  The double flower, her tiny tommy toes, and the cute little bird thing.  We gassed up before getting home and then spent a restful two hours before the Rock Mills gang rode again.  We went to Eastaboga to the Talladega Short Track for the races.  It was great fun.  I know the stands look empty but by the time the races began it was full.  Frank and I ended up leaving early because there was no breeze and the fumes from the cars made me sick.  We got home a little before 11 and I am feeling it this morning.  I am sure the rest of the group did not get home until well after midnight.  It was fun.  Next Saturday we are going to Santuck to the Flea Market.  I can't wait.


  1. Whew! I feel like I've just run a marathon after reading what your week was like :) You sure pack it in! Looks like a very productive and busy week.

    Hope you get some rain soon!

  2. we are burning up here sad.

    I have never been to a car race. Everyone says they are fun and exciting, but I can't wrap my mind about sitting there watching cars go in a circle. :)

  3. Love the wagon train. VBS looks like it was fun. Love the bracelets and necklace. Very pretty and I am sure your friends will appreciate them.

  4. Loved the wagon train pics!!! How neat!!! Also loved your flowers beautiful.

  5. Don't you LOVE VBS - I do and this year I actually had an easy job - just helping in crafts!

  6. Whew - busy busy week! Love the jewelry you made - very pretty. I wouldn't mind watching a race but I don't like LOUD things so I probably shouldn't.

  7. Love the chalk board pretty on the wall.
    Enjoy what's left of summer vacation!


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