
Monday, July 30, 2012

Summer Leadership Training

Today I had to be in Auburn at the Marriot for Uniserve 19 Summer Leadership Training.  I needed to be there at 8 to help T.C. (our Uniserve director) register the participants.  It was going to be a full day from 9 to 5.  We began with a session on Effective Membership Enrollment.  I am an officer in our local Education Association, the ACEA.  We are part of the Alabama Education Association, the AEA.  We are part of the National Education Association, the NEA.  I pay dues to be a part of this organization....that does not mean I believe 100% in what they believe....but the benefits and trainings they offer are too good to pass up.  I joined when I was in college during my internship.  One of their best benefits is the million dollar protection policy in case something happens to me in the classroom.  I hope I never need to use it.....but I have seen it in action.  Our membership has dropped in the past several years because of competing organizations who offer a lower membership fee....and believe me that is about all.  One of them does not even have an office...they have a P.O. box....period.  Labarron Mack did the membership drive session and he was great.  Lanny Lancaster followed him with a session on Laws That Effect ESP's (Education Support Professionals).  This is the first time I have ever attended one like this and it was most enlighteniing.  Lanny is very humorous so I enjoyed his stories and warnings.  Rhonda Jett did the final session before lunch on the Tenure Law.  Many people have misconceptions about tenure.  Tenured teachers could always be termenated.....there just had to be a reason....and documentation.  I know getting that big T after my name was something I worked hard for and it was nice to know that someone could not come in and just fire me because their sister's son needed a job.  We ate a nice lunch at the hotel and returned with full bellies to my favorite of all sessions on Professionalism 101 done by Lynn Pettway.  Mr. Pettway is a professional to the core.  I love to sit in on his sessions.  He makes me proud to be a teacher and makes me want to be professional about it.  He talked to us about the way we need to dress, and how we need to handle social media and cell phones.  Many teachers get into trouble for things they do outside of their job when they find themselves plastered all over facebook.   About that time my lunch kicked in and it was all I could do to keep my head off the table as Amy Marlowe presented on Bugets and the 2011 Laws abd Their Effects.  Amy is very interesting but my behind was tired of sitting.  The last hour was dedicated to Round Table Discussions and Door Prizes.  I won an AEA T-shirt.  All of our group won something....that was a first.  I left the Marriot and met Frank. Renee, Beth and Ron at Olive Garden for dinner.  It was a great way to end the day.

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