
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Project 365 - Week 32

Wow what a week I have had.  I can't wait to tell you all about it.  If you want to see some amazing pictures then jump over to Sara's blog and check out what everyone has been doing.  You won't regret it. 

Sunday, August 5th
Frank did communion today in his new stole.  I think it is beautiful.  He was tickled and don't you just love his new bow tie look too?

Monday, August 6th
This morning we met Beth at Handley High School to get our season tickets to the football games and our reserved parking pass.  Carissa is in the band and we want to experience her senior year with her.  I can't wait for the first home game.

Tuesday, August 7th
It is official.  Welcome to Karen's Korner (of the shop).  I officially have a business license as of today.  I had to get car tags and such since I start back to school tomorrow.  Susan is coming in tomorrow night and we are leaving for our 40th year Class Reunion on Thursday morning.  I am so excited.

Wednesday, August 8th
A man down the street made this knife.  The blade is so cool.  Frank bought one and put it in his shop.  I thought it was amazing.  I can't wait to see some more of his work.  I did a book review today and did a schedule post for it.  I don't always have good luck with that but I am going to have to chance it.    If you have not read the Robert Whitlow book, The Choice,  you need is so good.

Thursday, August 9th
We stopped at Mark's Melon Patch on our way to West Palm Beach.  It is located in Sasser, GA.  My maiden name was Sasser so had to get the shot.  It was a great trip down and back.   The only problem was it was way to short.  There was so much to do and so little time.
Friday, August 10th

Friday night we met around the pool area for refreshments.  It was great seeing some of my old friends again and rekindling relationships that I have not had in over 30 years.  Top picture is Susan, Chet, me, and Cindy.  Second picture is Lori Ann, Susie, me and Gina.  Bottom picture is Susan, Chet and I. 

Saturday, August 11th
At the banquet Saturday night....old Brownie buddies gathered for a quick shot.  Marsha, me, Carol, and Susan.  It was fun socializing with my past.  I hope it is not 30 years before I come back home and see them again.  The cool thing is that a lot of them are Christians now.  Some of us were Christians then....and we don't have many of the memories some of the others have. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a great time. I haven't been to any of my high school reunions either. Now that I'm on facebook with so many classmates I can't decide if I am more or less eager to meet up with everyone again - ha!

    Frank DOES look cute in his bow tie with matching stole :)


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