
Friday, August 10, 2012

Susan's Mom and Other Fond Memories

During my trip to West Palm for my 40th class reunion some wonderful things made the trip so very special.  The first was of course spending time with my dearest friend, Susan.  We have been friends since we were five and went to school together from kindergarten all the way to PBJC.  We both married Southern boys, had children close in age, love Jesus, lighthouses, cameras, and the beach....what can I say....she is a soulmate.  The second was spending time with Susan's 94 year old mom.  Ms. Francis has a remarkable eye for flowers and raised orchids.  She made my first wedding bouquet.  It was a pleasure to see her. 

The third was eating lunch on Saturday at one of my old haunts, Russo's subs.  They are as good as they always were.  I wanted to sack up a few and bring them home so everyone could see just how good they are.  The fourth was traveling around a bit and seeing old haunts.  I love the Royal Palms in Palm Beach....the beach there.....was amazed at Southern Blvd.

The fifth was the actual reunion.  It was so much fun connecting with people I hve not seen in over 30 years.  I had a ball.  The only bad thing about the whole trip was that it was way too short!  I would hvae liked a full week to rediscover the land of my youth!  Have a wonderful weekend!

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