
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wednesday Hodge Podge-Vol 90

Welcome to this week's edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge. Everyone's welcome to play I see you are wondering how.....well all you have to do is answer the questions on your own blog then add your link to the bottom of Joyce's post. The more the merrier!   Here are my answers:

1. Joyce gave us this quote (attributed to William H. Danforth) "The best cure for a sluggish mind is to disturb its routine." When was the last time you 'disturbed your routine' and how'd you do it?  I joined the Rock Mills Fire Dept last night.  It is a volunteer group...and no I don't have any great desire to run into a flaming building.....but I can free up a man to run in by directing traffic and the go-fer jobs.  It was one of my 101 of 1001 things I posted earlier this month.
2. What's your favorite fried food indulgence?
Dixie Crossroads (Titusville, FL) corn fritters.  They are to die for.  Fortunately I don't get them very often....maybe once every couple of years.
3. Did you have an allowance as a kid? What did you do with it? Do you give your own kids an allowance?
I got an allowance as a child.  I had to tithe 10%, and then I saved it to go horseback riding out off of Military Trail.  Once I got my first paying job my allowance ended.   I gave my kids allowances and they had to tithe 10% and then they could spend or save it.  Once they went to work their allowances ceased.
4. What's something you wish you knew more about?
How to play the banjo and the mandolin.....and Photoshop.

5. Is there anything you feel too old to do anymore? If so, what?
Pretty much anything where I might possibly get hurt.  At 58 I have no desire to break any part of my body.
6. What's a song you think has a great first line?
Beautiful by Mercy Me - It has brought me to my knees many times.
"Days will come when you don't have the strength
When all you hear is you're not worth anything"
7. Who are you writing to/for when you create a blog post. In other you write, who is the audience in your head?
I  don't write for any one person all the time.  Each post has its own audience in my head.  I too use the space here to record my (admittedly many) random thoughts about the world today, but also as a place to record family memories and experiences. I write a lot about my take on motherhood and mid life and as crazy as it seems, one day my girls will be 50. I started writing as an avenue when I was dealing with ailing parents and I just needed somewhere to vent.  The blog worked.  I wrote my first few posts while crying like a baby.  I have written journals for years (since the death of my brother) and my blog took it on to the 21st century.  I love writing....and then seeing how people respond to what I have written. 
8. Insert your own random thought here. "Cherish those you have in your life because you never know when they won't be there anymore."  I attended my 40 year class reunion this past weekend and this quote hit home.  My graduating class has lost many friends and I was shocked.  I have not seen many of these people in over 30 years.  Do you go to your school reunions?  Do you go to family reunions? 


  1. I hear you about not wanting to break any bones! We are about the same age and I have been diagnosed with oesteoporsis. (I'm too young for that! HA!!) I went to a high school reunion a few years back. I thought the women had kept it together pretty well but the guys looked OLD (ha), some with little hair but plenty of gut. Even the star quarterback! Nobody can stop the aging process!

  2. nice post thanks for sharing...i found your blog thrue the hodgepodge...looking for to visit more...blessings from holland...


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