
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Item 90 of 101

Several weeks ago I wrote a post of 101 things of 1001 that I want to accomplish before I retire.  Item 90 was to join the local volunteer fire department.  I completed that task last night when I joined the Rock Mills Volunteer Fire Department.  Last nights meeting was a taste testing meeting to try out some new fish for our yearly fish fry.  It was fun sitting with the fire fighters and socializing.  After dinner we had the business meeting.  There were two openings and Keaton and I were put up for them.  The votes were unanimous and after the meeting I had my picture made for my badge and was fitted for gear.  I looked really funny in the coat, boots and red fire hat. Since I am not a man things are gloves are huge, the shoes are too big, and the hat covers my face.  I put my stuff in the trunk of Frank's car where he keeps his stuff.  No...I am not planning to run into a flaming building....but can free up a man to do that by directing traffic and straightening out the hose.  I can also be a go-fer.  I think I want to become certified to drive one of the trucks....of course it will have to be one that is automatic because straight-shifts and I are not friends. I am.... F132.  Look out Rock I come!

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