
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wednesday Hodge Podge - Volume 87

Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge questions and answers courtesy of Joyce over at From This Side Of The Pond.   We are all so glad you dropped by and would love it if you would maybe play along today.  If you do decide to play, after you have read my amazingingly bright answers then do a posts for yourself and then add your link to the bottom of Joyce's post (click here to get there) and then hop round to the neighboring countries. Here are my answers-
1. I'm joining my daughter1 in the 101 in 1001 challenge. Essentially you create a list of 101 things you want to accomplish or do in the next 1001 days. What's one thing you'd put on your list?
Joyce mentioned her daughter's blog last week and I hopped over there and did my own list.  My number one thing I want to accomplish is to take an Alaskan cruise.  I have been to 48 of the 50 United States and Alaska and Vermont (I know you were thinking it was Hawaii) are the only two I am missing.2. How many remote controls do you have in your house? What's one item in your home you wish could be run by remote control?  I think we have four for the televisions, one for the DVD, one for the stereo. So our total is five....I think.  As far as what I wish had a remote? I'm going with the iron just like Joyce. Then I too wouldn't drive away from the house wondering if I'd turned it off. I could just hit the remote.
3. What does having it all mean to you? Is it attainable?  I believe it is attainable and I have it.  that is of course with the exception of going to Alaska and Vermont.  I have a loving hubs with a great sense of humor and thinks the world turns around me.  I have wonderful children, which I always wanted.  I have grandchildren, which I always wanted.  I have a career I love (notice I said career....not a job).  I sing professionally with two amazing women as Still Magnolias.  I sing in church, I get to sing with Rhonda from time to time, I take pictures, craft, travel, live life to the fullest and love the life I have.....yep....I have it all.
4. What's your favorite movie soundtrack?   South Pacific no contest.
5. Describe the best view you've seen from a rooftop?  I am all about a great view so choosing just one is tough. The view down onto Niagara Falls from the 29th floor in Niagara Falls, Canada, the view from the Empire State Building in New York City, the view from the Space Needle in Seattle, the view of London from the Eye would all be my favorite places rooftop experiences.  Then of course you could go to the view of the Grand Canyon from the South Rim, view from Mt Ranier, view from the top of the Smokies (the Chimneys) list could go on and on.  In my life I have seen many breathtaking top of the world views of some amazing places.  Yep, I have done so many....and know there are many more out there for me to see.
6. What's your least favorite thing about summer?  What bothers most....mosquitoes does not bother me....the heat and draught are my biggies, with heat being number one.  Of course as a school teacher I could say....that it ends.  LOL
7. Our weekly Hodgepodge lands on the first day of August. In ten words or less sum up your July.
July was busy, fun, hot, productive, lazy, and amazing! 
8. Insert your own random thought here.  I have been watching the Olympics off and on since it started on Sunday night.  I love the opening ceremonies and this one was amazing.  I loved the history lesson they provided.  Monday night I cried when Missy Franklin won the gold in swimming.  I cried again last night when the Fab Five won the gold in gymnastics. It makes me so proud to see these young people achieve their dreams.  Have you been watching?  What is your favorite event?
Have a wonderful day and I will be back hodgepodging next Wednesday....I also start back to work then too....sigh...summer will be over.  Don't forget to hop over to Joyce's blog and see how the others answered....or post your own blog and link up.


  1. I knew I had Niagara on my list for a reason : )

    Hard to pick a favorite moment but I loved seeing Dana Vollmer's big smile when she won a swimming gold. I love the gymnastics but they are hard to watch I think. I've really enjoyed the synchronized diving, beach volleyball, and rowing too.

  2. South Pacific made my list too!


    I am thinking of working up a list of my own too!


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