
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Destiny, Fate and Other Oddities

My daughter sent me a link to one of the funniest stories I have ever read the other day and I just wanted to share it with you.....along with some other warped tales

This link is an interesting story of how a couple met.....and I have to admit I am glad this was not me....but it could happen to anyone.

While we are on that topic....I have to share one with you too.  My parents lived with a lady in Georgia once.  They took care of her house and yard for her in exchange for room and board.  My children and I went to visit them one weekend and while putting a puzzle together in the dining room the lady of the house went to stand up.  Her little chihuahua jumped down and she rocked up....and passed a small bit of gas.  She sat back down, the dog jumped back in her lap, and then she tried to rock up a second time....she passed a bit more gas.  I had three children sitting there at the table and my son was 12.  He never opened his mouth....when she tried the third time and it was very loud and son stoically said, "We have lift off."  I thought I would die.  It is hard to punish a child when you are sitting there trying not to laugh out loud.  Sigh....parenthood.

I am headed to Scottsboro to the Unclaimed Baggage Store and whatever else I can get into.  The Rock Mills gang is riding again.  I can't wait.  I hope you enjoy the blog my daughter shared....and be so grateful that this did not happen to you.  Have a great Labor Day weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Both of those stories had me laughing out loud - thank goodness my boss is at lunch :)


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