
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Project 365 - Week 35

Well here we are once again as the year is drawing closer to an end.  Did you know that there are only 113 days until Christmas?  I have been so busy this week and my pictures are a mixture of Cannon   I and cell phone.  I shot with whatever was close or in my hand.  It is about a 50-50 week.  Anyways...for the newcomers welcome to my blog and Project 365, brought to you by our host Sara.  The main idea is to do a photo journal of your week.....sort of.....and take at least one picture a day which you share with the gang on Sunday.  We all link to Sara and then go check out everyone else's photos.  I love this.  Sara is awesome for hosting us.  This is finishing up my second year.  So I am excited this week and here is my week in pictures.

Sunday, August 26th

What a day....this was the final of the three showers I attended/hosted.  The gift is made from muscadine vines.  I think it is really original looking and something I would have never thought a bride would have registered for.  The second shot is what is left of the mess I made trying to fix Carissa's Senior jeans.  She had put the S and E in the wrong place and the cloth part pulled off easy....the permanent ink outline....not so lucky.  Renee came by and looked it over, went Monday and bought another pair of jeans and we redid them.  I will post a picture of the finished product later.  I am pretty excited about how they turned out.
Monday, August 27th

We have Open House tonight and I won't be heading home til after 8.  This morning I was listening to 70's on 7 and two of my favorite songs came on.  The first one is by Bread and it reminds me of riding to school with Carol's husband Jeff in his red Camaro and jamming out to his Bread 8-track.  The second I can sing every single word to and want to ask you all this morning if you know what the song is referring to?  Now don't cheat and google it.
Tuesday, August 28th
I love those God billboards and was tickled this morning when I saw that Roanoke First had one on their sign.  I grabbed the shot on the way home from school this afternoon.
Wednesday, August 29th
We have Advisement(homeroom) every Wednesday.  Today they delivered the Senior shirts and crowns for the pep rally on Friday.  Senior Advisement teachers all get a crown too.  I love mine.  Black is always the seniors color at the pep rally's.  This year the juniors color was green, the sophomores were red and the poor freshmen were given olive tie dyed.  They always get the lousiest color for the first pep rally.  I have some cute shots of the pep rally on Friday.
Thursday, August 30th
I only worked a half day today and this was what Hwy 22 looked like on my way to the house.  I could not believe how blue the sky was and how white the clouds were.  The next shot was made down a dirt road I pulled into because I had been noticing all week how interesting it was.  I wish I had had the time to venture down it.
Friday, August 31st
Junior side of the gym.  Yes, that is a green man and this is what the majority of the students here wore.  It was colorful that is for sure.  In every crowd there is always someone who does not take part in the activities.

The football team sits in silence. 

The dance team does a dance. 

This weeks team captains were introduced and gave their pep talk.

Mr. Reyes (my boss), Coach Horn(the head football coach), Mr. McGhee (one of our assistant principals) all confer before giving an award to one of the players.
Back home in Roanoke we have season tickets.  This is the Handley Tiger Walk .  The fans all line up on the field and the team runs through the sign.  It was fun to watch.  Handley lost their game against Beauregard.  Ben Russell beat Opelika.
Saturday, September 1st

We got up at four this morning and headed to Scottsboro with the Rock Mills gang(11 of us).  Three cars of us were going to Unclaimed Baggage and other stuff.  First stop was IHOP in Anniston.  We got to our final destination not long after they opened.  A three hour drive and all I bought was a 3.00 picture for my Spanish class.  Frank got a 4.00 copper ring.  We went to Catalog Returns, a pawn shop, Goodwill, and Thompson Tractor Supply.  After lunch Frank and I headed south because we had to be at Carissa's 17th birthday party.  It was a long...but fun day.  It was a product and fun week.  Next week will be short because of Labor Day and we are meeting Kat and Brian in Auburn for supper.  I can't wait!  Have a wonderful week and God Bless you real good.


  1. I'm amazed at how quickly this year has flown by. Beautiful cross.
    I love when songs take me back in time. Cute church sign. Love your crown. Happy Birthday Carissa!

  2. Gorgeous cross! Love it.

    Hmmm - I don't remember, so I'll guess - was it about Buddy Holly's plane crash? Now I'll go look it up.

    I give up - what's that symbol on the birthday cake?

  3. Love the cross!!!! I also loved the cake!!!!

  4. Looks like a full week for you... I love that cross... and the cake is too cool!


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