
Monday, September 17, 2012

Faithful to Laura: A Middlefield Family Novel

About the Book:  Laura’s Amish faith requires her to forgive, but she can only think of revenge.  Laura Stutzman leaves her Kentucky community for Middlefield, Ohio, with one purpose: to find Mark King, the man who pledged his love to her, then left. She can’t move on with her life until he explains why.  Sawyer Thompson wasn't born Amish, but has lived in their community for years. Now he must commit to the Amish church or return to the Yankee world. Having suffered loss at a young age, he understands Laura’s anger, but is determined to follow God’s will and forgive. As their friendship grows, Laura begins to let her guard down.  But new information surfaces about Sawyer’s past and threatens the couple’s budding relationship. Both Laura and Sawyer will need to release the anger in their hearts and forgive the people who’ve harmed them. As Laura struggles to trust God, can Sawyer remain faithful to Laura?

About the Author:  Fuller was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, grew up in Little Rock, Arkansas, and now makes her  home in beautiful Geneva, Ohio. She has been married to James for 15 wonderful years.  They have three terrific children, three dogs, and an overwhelmed cat. They have also raised cattle, pigs, and chickens at various times over the years.  She started writing in 2000, and published her first short story a year later. Since then she has authored several short stories, novellas, novels, and have done a lot of freelance non-fiction work. She has also worked as an editor, has a Masters degree in Special Education, emphasis on teaching the blind and visually impaired, and a Bachelors in Early Childhood/Elementary Education, and has taught all age groups ranging from age 4 to age 18. A few of her favorite things: her relationship with Christ, chocolate (of course!), autumn, a satisfying book, good friends, a sense of humor, people who don’t take themselves seriously, haunting melodies, and NFL football.

My Thoughts About The Book:  I love Amish fiction.  I must confess that I have an addiction for  reading about this hardworking, God fearing group of people.  I love the language, I love the customs, I love it all.  This book was your typical Amish love story. Our main character girl has something she would rather forget in her past, the unlikely stranger comes into her life(also has something shadowing his past), and the guy chases girl down and wins her heart. The story line was easy to follow and I enjoyed this book tremendously. This was a great book for me to add to my library of books and I definitely will be recommending this to my Amish fiction loving friends.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishersas part of their Book Sneeze Blogging Review Program.   I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”  Truthfully, I loved it!

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