
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Project 365 - Week 37

Wow what a week.  Instead of trying to summarize it I will let my pictures do most of the talking.
Sunday, September 9th

Sunday began the hectic week with Church Services first, lunch at Gedney's with the Lunch Bunch, and then a special supper in Anniston at The Top O The River with the Anglins and Kramers for Renee's birthday.  She had never eaten there and was she in for a surprise.   They bring you a skillet of "special" cornbread (with corn and jalapenos), some pickled onions, and a container of slaw to begin the eating frenzy.  THEN they bring you your real meal.  By the time it gets there you are stuffed on the hot cornbread and yummy coleslaw.
Monday, September 10th

Today I was watching my students work on a project where they had to introduce their partner.  While they were working I was goofing off with my camera and captured this shot of my paperclip holder.  It looks like sun is hitting it from the left side but it is just the away the papers were sitting under it.  I don't know it gave me an amazing feeling of warmth right then.  Guitar lessons with Bobby tonight.
Tuesday, September 11th
My Lisa Leonard charms came in today.  They are so special to me.  Lisa-Jo had the It Is Well one and I wanted one because it was my father's favorite song.  When I went to Lisa Leonard's site I found the You Are My Sunshine charm which was my mom's favorite song.  I used to sing it to her everyday when I went to see her in the nursing home.  I sang them at their funerals.  I bought them both and the K to represent me.  I have worn them everyday since they came in.  Fire Department meeting tonight.  Will this week ever end?

Wednesday, September 12th
These are my girls.  I only had three at Youth on Wednesday night.  These are some of the most precious girls you will ever meet.  Destinee is our Children and Youth Directors granddaughter, P.J. is the local high schooll mascot and our next door neighbor, and Libby lives down the road from me.  She is part of the Towler family that surrounds our house.  I love them all.  They are so much fun and keep me feeling young.

Thursday, September 13th
My new red cowboy boots arrived today while I was at school today.  Since we bowl on Thursday and don't get home until late I had to be patient and wait to see them.  Of course I had to try them on...and let me tell you it was tough getting those bad boys on.  It took both Frank and I to get them on and off.  Needless to say I won't be jumping in them when we have a fire call.  I'm just saying.
Friday, September 14th

Nothing like Friday night High School football to end a week.  We have season tickets to the Handley games and tonight I caught the Tiger mascot getting into the cheerleaders business.  This is not P.J.   She is the mascot at Randolph County High School and we will have to get up there and catch her showing out one Friday night.  My Wildcats won their third game and Handley won their too.  Handley was playing Childersburg High School and one of my former students, Thomas is their Varsity Cheer Coach.  I texted him and let him know I was watching him from across the field.  He did a 5 flip show off in the end zone for me.  Love that kid.
Saturday, September 15th

Frank and I got up early and did the bulletins for church.  After finishing the bulletins he took me to breakfast at my favorite Saturday place, The Farm House.  I love this place.  The food is great and the decor is amazing.  The owner did the flower arrangement, and then throughout the whole restaurant there are vintage things.  The banjo and spurs caught my eye this morning.  We went to Wal-mart after breakfast, stopped by and visited Marcie to see if we had a baby yet.  We had a funeral at 2 and then we were home for the rest of the day.  It was a gorgeous day.
Did you like what you saw?  If you did and want to see some more amazing pictures then head over to Sara's blog and check them out.  See you next week.


  1. seems like we are all having busy weeks.

    I LOVE the red boots!!!

  2. Like the charms and what they represent.
    Your boots reminded me of the several pair of cool country dancing boots I lost in the fire. :-( But then we haven't line danced in years so...

  3. You can sure pack a lot into 7 days! Love those boots; I'd like a turquoise pair :) Cornbread and cole slaw sounds sooooo good! I can't wait to get my kitchen put together (hopefully end of the week?) so I can cook again. I do believe cornbread is going to have to be one of the first things I make :)

  4. Love the charms - such a sweet reminder of your parents.

    Those red boots are smokin'!

  5. Was that N posted backwards on the sign on purpose? :0)

    Man, oh man, it looks like your week was crazy busy!


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