
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Project 365 - Week 36

Here we are again sharing another week of Project 365.  It has been a long and very tiring week for me.  I used my camera some this week and used the phone too.  My goal is to quit taking pictures with the phone unless I have absolutely no choice.  I have 16 weeks left in this year to improve.  I think this is why I loved my Nikon Coolpix so could just slip it in your purse or pocket and go.  I love the Canon...but there is just so much stuff that goes with it.  Friday night I saw a photographer with a humongous lens and thought....."now if I just had that lens...."  Sigh!  Hop over to Sara's and check out everyone elses shots by clicking here.  Here goes my week:

Sunday, September 2nd
Frank's church sign for the week.  I meant to get a shot of last weeks but did not think about it.  Last weeks sign read P.U.S.H. and it was up for the baby shower.  It stands for Pray Until Something Happens.  I had to laugh at his timing.

Monday, September 3rd - Labor Day


Monday was a holiday and we did not have anything planned until 4:00 when we were going to Alex City for a cookout at Bills.   Mrs Betty Jean called and her hibiscuses were blooming again so we went over for a visit.  I love hanging out in her backyard.  Her McCarley cat posed prettily for me, her sun catcher caught my eye, her crab apple tree was loaded....those are not all leaves you are looking at.  Those are crab apples.  Frank sat in his chair and did preventive maintenance on his eyelids.  I can't believe I got the shot.  LOL!
Tuesday, September 4th
So, I know you are asking yourself, 'What exactly is this?"  If you read my blog any other day than this you will know that I am a Rock Mills Volunteer Firefighter if you don't read me regularly and want to see what this is about then click here and go to number 90 on my list.  This is my gear.  I have not had to use it.....until tonight.  I was just getting ready to go to bed, about 8:15, when the pager went off and there was a house fire near our house.  Frank and I jumped into action.  Did you know that short legged people have a hard time getting into fire trucks?  I do now...Frank had to snatch me up into the truck....we got there...and I jumped to action.  I don't have fire pants I donned my hat and jacket and directed traffic.  This fire was on Hwy 22....a main passage way for us and for people going to Atlanta.  It is a pretty busy road.  A few times during the night it got a little scary when cars did not seem to want to slow down and stop for me.  I was standing right in front of the Service truck and there were five other emergency vehicles behind me.  Griefus I wanted to shout...BIG RED TRUCK!  We got home somewhere around 11:45 and believe me....5 came way to early....I have morning duty this month and by the end of the day I was dragging.

Wednesday, September 5th
I had some blood drawn last Thursday(something I have done on a regular basis since I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis) and this is what my arm is looking like sstill today.  The nurse told me she did not bruise her patients.  I kept trying to tell her that my left arm was not a good arm to do this.  This was the price I paid for being right.  Hopefully next time she will listen.
Thursday, September 6th

Some of my favorite things.  I did not get home until late tonight.  We are bowling again on Thursday nights.  I did not get any shots today so I grabbed some when I got home.  The top is a table when you come in the front door (noone ever does), the second shot is my lady of Sevilla print I got at the Unclaimed Baggage shop last weekend.  I finally took it out of the to just take it to school, the third shot is a lighthouse my dear friend Debo had made for me.  I love it because it lights up.  The last shot is my new favorite necklace I found in Cracker Barrel. I love that place.  You can have breakfast anytime you want it....and shop for cool and unusual things.
Friday, September 7th

Steeples at Rock Mills United Methodist and Rock Mills Baptist.  Storm is a brewing.
Saturday, September 8th

Frank's nephew has been in the Middle East for what seems like forever.  He is an MP.  Saturday he was on his way back to his lovely wife, Annie, for two weeks of R & R and had an 8 hour layover in Atlanta.  His mom Ann, step-father, Richard(from Greenville, SC), Frank and I met him there and spent several wonderful hours with him at the Atlanta Bread Company in the airport.  It was great.  Annie will get to see him today.  I know she will be so glad and I'll bet she did not sleep a wink last night.  His unit should be coming home in January for good....or at least until their next deployment.  We are very proud of him and our son-in-law who serve.  Be sure and thank a military person next time you see them.  They sacrifice a lot so we can sleep in peace at night.  Have a great week!


  1. ok, I cracked up at the "preventive maintenance on his eyelids"!!!

    Fires are so scary. Were you able to save the house?

    I have been taking many more phone photos than I would like...and I even have a small point and shoot that fits in my purse besides my nikon...ugh.

  2. I've never heard of P.U.S.H.....I like it! Pretty flowers. I'm not sure I would be much help at a fire. Way to go! Love the steeples.
    Have a good week.

  3. I guess I'm lucky that my cell phone camera is really dinky - I would never use it instead of my point & shoot (especially because it would cost me .25 per picture!).

    Love that photo of Frank "resting." And I love the steeple shots - cool!

  4. You took a great picture of that kitty cat. I'm glad to hear you are safe after your very eventful night fire-fighting.

  5. love the flowers, kitty & lighthouse. Great week

  6. I feel like some preventive eye maintenance right now! ;-)
    Enjoyed your post and can't believe you are a brave "bombera"!


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