
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Panama City Bound

This is our second year to come to the Driftwood Lodge in Panama City Beach.  This year we came down on Saturday with the rest of the gang.  Last year we came down after church, but Mike Brewer  is filling the pulpit for Frank in the morning.    We will be here until Thursday.  I have to tell you that I love this place.  The Gilmore family run an amazing place and if you like mom and pop places you will love this one.  I would rather stay here than a condo.  The sunset is from our little balcony porch on the second floor.  We left Rock Mills at 7 this morning and got here somewhere around 1.  The ride was interesting because we traveled with Marcie and Tracy down roads I have never used to get here.  The scenery was lovely.  We had to wait a couple of hours for our room to be ready so we hit Walmart and loaded up on our groceries.  A little after 3 they let us know we were good to go and we unloaded the car.  While we were waiting for everyone to get here the kids swam and we watched a set up for the wedding on the beach of Justin and Tristen.  The balconies of the hotels were packed with well wishers who were NOT invited to the wedding....yet, attended any ways.  It was a lovely wedding.  The bridesmaids wore a coral chiffon dress that seemed to float in the breeze.  The bride wore satin and lace and was  just beautiful.  After the wedding and once everyone finally got here and we cooked steaks on the grill about 6:30.  Dinner was delish.  Tracy is magic with a grill.  It is now nearly 10 and the pool is quietening down, the kids are all tucked away.....and I am headed that way.  Frank and I are attending the 9:45 Mosaic service at Woodlawn United Methodist Church.  I cannot wait.  Frank rarely gets a chance to be ministered to.  Lyndi, Tracy and Marcie's daughter is coming in about 4 in the morning.  She had to work til 11 tonight.  I can't see what tomorrow brings.  The McCarleys are going fishing on the pier at 5 and then to St. Andrews to fish the jetties.  Sherry and Keith, Celia and Chris and Libby are not with us this year and are sorely missed.  I have a big surprise for my readers but you will have to check back in with me on Tuesday to see what it is.  Think you can wait that long? 


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