
Sunday, May 26, 2013

What a Woman Needs (Service at Woodlawn United Methodist Church)

Frank, Wil, and I attended the Mosaic service at Woodlawn United Methodist Church today.  It was a contemporary come as you are kind of service that took place about three miles from our hotel.  I am so glad we went.  The speaker was not the one who was supposed to was a lovely young woman named Cameron who is one of the certified lay speakers at the church.  The church is doing a series called Desperate Households. The topic dealt with what a woman wants/needs from a man.  There were six points:  1.  She needs a man to be close(spiritual, emotional, psychological).  Gen. 2:24 - make eye contact, value, smile at her; 2.  Open Up - talk to her; 3.  Understand - hear her - you don't need to fix it guys....just listen.....maybe even you want me to fix this....or just listen.  1 Peter 3:7...women are like a ceramic are like a copper one.  We (wives) need our husbands to be burden bearers - just like Christ; 4.  Make Peace - be sensitive - step up and make peace in the home.  Let us know you care enough to make peace.  1 Cor. 7:28; 5.  Be Loyal - Malachi 2:17 wondering eyes break trust.  Commit your marriage to God....daily!; 6.  Honor her-Proverbs 28:29-31 - She is your treasure.  If you follow these 6 simple steps....she will do them in return.  As I sat there and listened I thought of my own precious husband who excels at these.  He is a wonderful husband and lets me know I am his treasure...daily. 

For supper tonight the gang was cooking hamburgers and hotdogs....but we wanted some seafood so we scoped out the local restaurants and chose Billy's Oyster House at 3000 Thomas Drive.  Our server was Jordon....wonderful....and the food was amazing.  If you are ever in Panama City and want some amazing seafood this little dive is where you need to go.  It was amazing!  We spent the rest of the evening on the deck at the hotel and visited.  I love this place!  Tomorrow is a big day.  We will be feeding around 40 on the deck at the hotel...and then Tuesday is the big day.  Be sure to check back and see what is up.

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