
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hodgepodge - Vol 137

It's that time are Joyce's questionsand my answers for the Wednesday Hodgepodge.  Click here to add your link and join the party.

1. My daughter earned her Master's Degree this past weekend...what's something you've 'mastered' in recent weeks or months?  I am working on mastering crochet.  I have not quite got it yet...but will before to much longer.  I can't wait to see the product of my efforts.  Mrs. Shirley has been a patient and wonderful teacher. 
2. What song most reminds you of your childhood?   Any Big Band swing song.  My mom used to put on her records and dance with me in the living room.  I came from a musical family so there was always music in my house.  I loved the Chuck Wagon Gang, Tennessee Ernie Ford, Bobby Vinton, Elvis, the Monkees, and Doo-Wop.  If it was music and I could sing or dance to it....I pretty much loved it.
3. What do you think about single gender groups and/or events? Should every group/event be open to both genders? If not, what sort of exceptions do you think are appropriate?   I think there should be single gender events.  Our church has a Men's Breakfast once a month and I think it is a time for men to get together and share men issues(since I am the pastor...I am always invited).  I love going to Women of Faith conferences because the speakers talk about issues women face.  I love to go on girl trips...and I love to go on couple's trips.  I don't think it hurts for events to be open to both genders....but it is nice to get together with the girls....and just be girls.
4. What's your favorite spice? Your favorite dish containing your favorite spice?  My favorite spice is cinnamon.  My favorite dish is Skillet Apple Pie that Mrs Gillespie from the Nazarene Church in Rock Mills brings to joint celebrations.  Let me tell you it is to die for.


  • 2 pounds Granny Smith apples
  • 2 pounds Braeburn apples
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
  • 1 (14.1-oz.) package refrigerated piecrusts
  • 1 egg white
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • Butter-pecan ice cream


1. Preheat oven to 350º. Peel apples, and cut into 1/2-inch-thick wedges. Toss apples with cinnamon and 3/4 cup granulated sugar.
2. Melt butter in a 10-inch cast-iron skillet over medium heat; add brown sugar, and cook, stirring constantly, 1 to 2 minutes or until sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat, and place 1 piecrust in skillet over brown sugar mixture. Spoon apple mixture over piecrust, and top with remaining piecrust. Whisk egg white until foamy. Brush top of piecrust with egg white; sprinkle with 2 Tbsp. granulated sugar. Cut 4 or 5 slits in top for steam to escape.
3. Bake at 350º for 1 hour to 1 hour and 10 minutes or until golden brown and bubbly, shielding with aluminum foil during last 10 minutes to prevent excessive browning, if necessary. Cool on a wire rack 30 minutes before serving. Serve with whipped topping or vanilla ice cream.

5. I saw this question on Marla's facebook page and asked if I could steal borrow it for the Hodgepodge...thanks Marla!  Chevron patterns are everywhere! Do you like it or think its just a little too much? Do you own anything 'chevron'? Our school shirts this year for Friday have chevron pockets.  The shirt is maroon with a pale gray and white chevron pocket that has BRHS on it in maroon.  I love them and it is the only chevron thing I own and I hope to keep it that way.
6. What's something you disliked as a child, but can fully appreciate now?  Easy Peasy....bedtime.  I look forward to it ever single night.  This is especially true since I have to get up so early every morning during the school year.
7. What can irritate you very quickly?  People who think they know everything when in all actuality they do not.
8. Insert your own random thought here.  Our school starts back on Monday and I am excited, apprehensive, dreading it.  Once the ball gets rolling I will be in my groove and all the apprehension will dwindle away....but until is nervous stomach time.  When do your schools start back and can you remember how you felt when school started back when you were a child in school and the parent of a child in school.  Want to share?


  1. Wow that pie looks fabulous! I'm eating a braeburn apple right this minute (actually, it's a chopped apple, strawberry, blueberry, feta cheese, mixed nuts, spinach, honey mustard dressing salad - ha!).

  2. I'm going to save that recipe for apple pie season up here. We always go apple picking in October, and its one of my favorite things to do.

    Schools don't start here until after Labor Day which I like. August is still summer in my book! Course the kids went until June 27th thanks to all they missed in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Normally they get out early/mid June.

    Have a great year!

  3. Sounds like just the right about of chevron on your school shirts. Speaking of...have a good first day (and week) of school. Hope it goes smoothly for you!

  4. That apple pie sounds delicious. It's one of my all time favorite desserts. Just about anything apple/cinnamon!!

    I wish I'd thought of bedtime!!! I hated it too. Now that I'm much older, tho, I can't wait for the time for lights out and a lot of zzzzzzz's.

  5. My grandmother crocheted. I think I should try it sometime. My parents were not into music and I guess that is why it took me so long to get into it. Same with reading. I don't remember disliking bedtime but that's a great answer. The pie sounds yummy and I am collecting skillet recipes.


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