
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Prairie Song


ABOUT THE BOOK:  The first step in a challenging journey is often the one that means the most. Though it means saying goodbye to the beloved friends and spiritual mentors of her St. Charles, Missouri quilting circle, Anna Goben is certain that she needs to enlist her family in the Boones Lick Company wagon train. The loss of her beloved brother in the Civil War has paralyzed her mother and grandfather in a malaise of grief and depression and Anna is convinced that only a fresh start in the Promised Land of California can bring her family back to her. Although the unknown perils of the trail west loom, Anna’s commitment to caring for her loved ones leaves no room for fear—or even loving someone new.  During the five-month journey, trail hand Caleb Reger plans to keep a low profile as he watches over the band of travelers. Guarding secrets about his past and avoiding God’s calling on his life, Caleb wants to steer as far from Anna as she does him, but she proves to be just as he assessed her from the beginning— independent, beautiful trouble.  Led by a pillar of hope, the group faces rough terrain that begins to take a toll on their spirits. Will the wilderness of suffering lead them astray, or will the gentle song of love that echoes across the prairie turn their hearts toward God’s grace and the promise of a new home?

ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  Over the last twenty-five years, Mona Hodgson’s publishing credits have grown to include nearly thirty children's books, contributions to more than ten books for adults, and four historical novels, including her debut, Two Brides Too Many in The Sinclair Sisters of Cripple Creek Series. Mona is a popular speaker for women's groups, schools, and educators’ and writers’ conferences. She lives in Arizona with her husband and has two daughters and several grandchildren.

MY THOUGHTS ON THE BOOK:  Ms Hodgson did an outstanding job in the development of the plot and characters in this story. She had me from the first page and held me tightly in her clultches until the last page. The characters were so realistic that I felt as if I were traveling with them.  Hodgson brings the wagon train to life.  This story had it all.   There was some suspense, romance, hardships, history, and encounters with God. I cannot remember when I have enjoyed a story and liked the ending. I cannot wait for the next book in the series so that I can continue the journey with all my new character friends.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group as part of their Blogging for Books review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

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